
A wrapper for the iframe which provides callbacks for various purposes


  • src: the src that you want to provide to the iframe
  • resizeCallback: A function which gets called whenever the iframe's height is calculated
  • progressCallback: A function which gets called whenever the iframe starts or finishes loading.


resizeCallback ( size, sizeKnown )
  • A callback reporting on the size of the iframe's contents. Provided in the same format as the react-valence-ui-fileviewer's resizeCallback.


  • A value for the size of the iframe if we can figure it out.
  • Null if the size is not known.


  • True if the size is known.
  • False if the size is not known.
progressCallback ( progress, accuracy )
  • A callback providing information on whether the iframe has loaded or not. Provided in the same format as the react-valence-ui-fileviewer's progressCallback.


  • 0 if the iframe has not loaded yet.
  • 100 if the iframe is loaded


  • 'none', because it doesn't provide values than 0 and 100

Usage Example:

Note: Iframe Brightspace pages that contain a navbar and/or minbar (such as quizzes and surveys) will have these removed in the ResizingIframe.

Bump version

$ # npm help 1 version
$ # npm help 7 semver
$ npm version [major|minor|patch|premajor|preminor|prepatch|prerelease] -m "chore(version) bump %s"
$ git push upstream master --tags