
This is a web application were one can view various tour attractions in Kenya and they can book their ticket

Table of contents

  • Home
  • Book
  • Packages
  • About


In the home page the companies services are outlined and the company details are stated.


In the about page the companies privilege are stated and our past customers have rated our services.


In this page one loos at the various destination one may want to visit.


In this page after you have selected your place of tour you can fill in your details and book a ticket.

Tech stack

  • Tech-stack
  • Php-A programming language that I have used to connct the files and the database.
  • Html-Hypertext Markup Language, and it is the most widely used language to write Web Pages.
  • Css-Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) is a stylesheet language used to describe the presentation of a document written in HTML.
  • MySql-Used it as a local storing databas.
  • Javascript-A programming language tha t makes the we application more responsive.
  • Xampp-An application that comes with both MYSQL and Php. #Netlify link

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