
Get Method Sampling from Java Flight Recorder Dump and convert to FlameGraph compatible format.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Build Status

Converting JFR Method Profiling Samples to FlameGraph compatible format.

This is a simple application to read Method Profiling Samples from Java Flight Recorder dump and convert those Stack Traces to [FlameGraph] compatible format. [FlameGraph]: https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph

This application uses the unsupported [JMC Parser]. [JMC Parser]: http://hirt.se/blog/?p=446

See my blog post on "Flame Graphs with Java Flight Recordings" for more details.

How to build

Call ./gradlew assemble

Clone FlameGraph repository

Clone Brendan's [FlameGraph] repository and set the environment variable FLAMEGRAPH_DIR to FlameGraph directory

git clone https://github.com/brendangregg/FlameGraph.git
export FLAMEGRAPH_DIR=/path/to/FlameGraph

How to generate a Flame Graph

There are helper scripts, to generate the flame graphs.

For example:

./create_flamegraph.sh -f /tmp/highcpu.jfr -i > flamegraph.svg

Open the SVG file in your web browser.

Use -h with scripts to see the available options.

For example:

$ ./flamegraph-output.sh -h
  Usage: Application [options] [command] [command options]
      -h, --help
        Display Help
        Default: false
      folded      Create folded output
        Usage: folded [options]
            -d, --decompress
              Decompress the JFR file
              Default: false
            -y, --end-timestamp
              End timestamp in seconds for filtering
              Default: 0
            -a, --hide-arguments
              Hide arguments in methods
              Default: false
            -i, --ignore-line-numbers
              Ignore Line Numbers in Stack Frame
              Default: false
          * -f, --jfrdump
              Java Flight Recorder Dump
            -o, --output
              Output file
            -j, --print-jfr-details
              Print JFR details and exit
              Default: false
            -t, --print-timestamp
              Print timestamp in JFR Details
              Default: false
            -r, --show-return-value
              Show return value for methods in the stack
              Default: false
            -x, --start-timestamp
              Start timestamp in seconds for filtering
              Default: 0
            -s, --use-simple-names
              Use simple names instead of qualified names in the stack
              Default: false

      json      Create json output for d3-flame-graph
        Usage: json [options]
            -d, --decompress
              Decompress the JFR file
              Default: false
            -y, --end-timestamp
              End timestamp in seconds for filtering
              Default: 0
            -a, --hide-arguments
              Hide arguments in methods
              Default: false
            -i, --ignore-line-numbers
              Ignore Line Numbers in Stack Frame
              Default: false
          * -f, --jfrdump
              Java Flight Recorder Dump
            -l, --live
              Export stack trace sample timestamp
              Default: false
            -o, --output
              Output file
            -j, --print-jfr-details
              Print JFR details and exit
              Default: false
            -t, --print-timestamp
              Print timestamp in JFR Details
              Default: false
            -r, --show-return-value
              Show return value for methods in the stack
              Default: false
            -x, --start-timestamp
              Start timestamp in seconds for filtering
              Default: 0
            -s, --use-simple-names
              Use simple names instead of qualified names in the stack
              Default: false


Copyright (C) 2015 M. Isuru Tharanga Chrishantha Perera

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0