
This repository contains the conduct guide for Computer Science 203 Spring 2020. The instructor and students will use this conduct guide to govern all course interactions.

Improving the Conduct Guide

During the Spring 2020 semester, you will work in an entire-class team to design, implement, test, document, deploy, and use two large-scale software applications. During each week of the semester, you will work with your team on tasks for one of these projects. As you complete all of the laboratory and practical assignments for this course, you are also responsible for adhering to a team-defined code of conduct.

For this laboratory assignment, please use the GitHub flow model to collaboratively improve the conduct guide. Along with working on the code of conduct, make sure that you enhance the list of group-related professional and technical skills on the assessment sheet. Then, you should describe the student and instructor behaviors that the team deems to be acceptable and unacceptable. Students are invited to review the Codes of Values from MIT's Course on Product Engineering Processes.

Make sure that you explain how the team will handle infractions of the conduct guide. Finally, once you are finished with this conduct guide, please update the README as necessary. As you are collaboratively enhancing both the code of conduct and the assessment guide, you must ensure that these two documents align with each other.

Problems with the Conduct Guide

If you have any problems with this conduct guide, then please create an issue in this repository using the "Issues" link at the top of this site.