Vue 3 Tailwind Css Pagination

A Vue 3 Tailwind Css component for pagination.


alt text


// with npm

npm i vue-3-tailwind-css-pagination

Getting Started

Import component

import {createApp} from 'vue'
import {Vue3TailwindPagination} from "vue-3-tailwind-css-pagination";

const app = createApp(App)
app.component('Vue3TailwindPagination', Vue3TailwindPagination)


How to use


Props and attributes

Id type Default Description
total Number 79 Total number of pages
current_page Number 1 Current page
per_page Number 5 Items per page
background String bg-gray-200 -
active_background String bg-gray-900 -
color String text-gray-500 -
active_color String text-white -
border_color String border-transparent -
active_border_color String border-transparent -


Id Output Description
change Number The current page has been updated