
An unofficial collection of linters and formatters configured for efm-langserver to work with the builtin nvim-lsp

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


An unofficial collection of linters and formatters configured for efm-langserver to work with the built-in nvim-lsp. Works only for neovim >= 0.5.

Supported linters and formatters

Check out supported-linters-and-formatters.md


  • Out-of-box configurations for 70+ linters & formatters
  • Intelligently detect tools installed project-wide or system-wide - works only for node/npm, php/composer and ruby/bundler (additional support for other build tools coming soon)
  • Use :checkhealth for a quick diagnostic on tools, to check if tool is available
  • Ability to customize configurations for your specific project use-cases (see Advanced Setup)

Vim Docs

Documentation can be accessed via :help efmls-configs or further below.



Install with your favorite plugin manager or just use builtin package.


Plug 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig'
Plug 'creativenull/efmls-configs-nvim', { 'tag': 'v0.1.2' } " tag is optional


use {
  tag = 'v0.1.2', -- tag is optional

  requires = { 'neovim/nvim-lspconfig' },


Setup (:help efmls-configs-setup)

Step 1

You need to first initialize the plugin with the init() function, this is where you can pass your LSP options like on_attach, capabilities, init_options, etc.

local function on_attach(client)
  print('Attached to ' .. client.name)

local efmls = require 'efmls-configs'
efmls.init {
  -- Your custom attach function
  on_attach = on_attach,

  -- Enable formatting provided by efm langserver
  init_options = {
    documentFormatting = true,

Step 2

Finally, register the linters and formatters you want to run on the specific filetypes with the setup() function. Below is an example to setup eslint and prettier to work with a javascript filetype.

local eslint = require 'efmls-configs.linters.eslint'
local pretter = require 'efmls-configs.formatters.prettier'
efmls.setup {
  javascript = {
    linter = eslint,
    formatter = prettier,

Default Configuration (:help efmls-configs-defaults)

A default configuration for the supported filetypes is provided but not activated by default.

To activate the default configuration you can pass the default_config flag as true in the init function. Below are the default values for init():

efmls.init {
  -- Use a list of default configurations
  -- set by this plugin
  -- (Default: false)
  default_config = false,


You will still need to call the setup() after init() for the changes to take effect. You can still pass your custom configurations to setup() as show in the Setup section and it will override any default configuration set by default_config if it's the same filetype.

Advanced Configuration Setup (:help efmls-configs-advanced)

If you want to change some settings that are not provided in the default config, you can change them with vim.tbl_extend. These configs take the same keys referenced in the efm-langserver schema file in json format, aka camelCase.

local eslint = require 'efmls-configs.linters.eslint'
eslint = vim.tbl_extend('force', eslint, {
  prefix = 'new eslint prefix',
  lintCommand = 'eslint --format visualstudio --stdin',

efmls.setup {
  javascript = { linter = eslint },

Implementation Details (TODO)

  • Testing


Credits goes to the following projects for inspiration:

  • efm-langserver - for the awesome language server to provide linters/formatters through a LSP protocol
  • ale - for a huge list of supported linters/formatters to look through