
Video Visual Relation Detection

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Video Visual Relation Detection Helpler

This repository contains some helper functions for the convenient usage of VidVRD dataset. It also has a script for evaluating the VidVRD task. Please cite this paper if the dataset helps your research:

    author={Shang, Xindi and Ren, Tongwei and Guo, Jingfan and Zhang, Hanwang and Chua, Tat-Seng},
    title={Video Visual Relation Detection},
    booktitle={ACM International Conference on Multimedia},
    address={Mountain View, CA USA},

Prediction JSON format

  "ILSVRC2015_train_00010001": [                # video ID
      # a visual relation instance
      "triplet": ["person", "ride", "bicycle"]  # relation triplet
      "score": 0.9                              # confidence score
      "duration": [15, 150]                     # starting and ending frame IDs
      "sub_traj": [                             # subject trajectory
        [9.0, 10.0, 45.0, 20.0],                # bounding box at the starting frame
        ...                                     # [left, top, right, bottom]
      "obj_traj": [                             # object trajectory
        [22.0, 23.0, 67.0, 111.0],
    ...                                         # other instances predicted for this video
  ...                                           # other videos

Baseline Quick Start

  1. Install the prerequisites
conda create -n vidvrd python=2.7 anaconda cmake tensorflow=1.8.0 keras tqdm ffmpeg=3.4 py-opencv
source activate vidvrd
pip install dlib==19.3.1 --isolated
  1. Download precomputed features, model and detected relations from here, and decompress the zipfile under baseline folder.
  2. Run python evaluate.py baseline/models/baseline_video_relations.json to evaluate the precomputed detected relations. Since a few wrong labels in the dataset were corrected after paper submission, the result is slightly different from the one reported in the paper. Some qualitative results can be found here.
  3. Run python baseline.py --detect to detect video visual relations using the precomputed model.
  4. Run python baseline.py --train to train a new model by adjusting the hyperparameters in the script, based on the precomputed features.