Problems with czi.size = (-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1) for multi-scence CZI
sebi06 opened this issue · 2 comments
sebi06 commented
Hi all,
I just tries to read a multi-scene CZI an discovered some strange behavior. The output basically is:
------------------ Show Metainformation ------------------
Array Shape (czifile) : (1, 2, 1, 30448, 37770, 3)
Dimension Entry (czifile) : BSCYX0
Array Shape (aicsimageio) : (1, 1, 1, 1, 1200, 1600)
Dimension Entry (aicsimageio) : STCZYX
SizeS : 2
SizeT : 1
SizeZ : 1
SizeC : 1
SizeX (czifile) : 37770
SizeY (czifile) : 30448
SizeY (aicsimageio) : 1600
SizeY (aicsimageio) : 1200
CZI Dimensions : [{'X': (0, 1600), 'Y': (0, 1200), 'C': (0, 1), 'M': (0, 294), 'S': (0, 1), 'B': (0, 1)}, {'X': (0, 1600), 'Y': (0, 1200), 'C': (0, 1), 'M': (0, 239), 'S': (1, 2), 'B': (0, 1)}]
CZI DimeString : BSCMYX
CZI Size : (-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)
CZI IsMosaic : True
CZI Scene Shape consitent : False
So what I do not understand is: czi.size = (-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1)
And when I read the image it looks like this:
heeler commented
So size returns a list of -1's when the scene shapes are inconsistent. size is there for when everything is consistent but if it's not then have a look at dims_shape(), it should give you a list of dictionaries showing the size of each Scene.
sebi06 commented
OK, good to know. Makes sense.