
MatplotlibDeprecationWarning prevents run of script (Exercise 5-5)

ijmiller2 opened this issue · 2 comments

Here's the error I'm getting:

/anaconda2/lib/python2.7/site-packages/matplotlib/cbook/ MatplotlibDeprecationWarning: Adding an axes using the same arguments as a previous axes currently reuses the earlier instance. In a future version, a new instance will always be created and returned. Meanwhile, this warning can be suppressed, and the future behavior ensured, by passing a unique label to each axes instance.
warnings.warn(message, mplDeprecation, stacklevel=1)
/Users/ijmiller2/Desktop/UW_2018/ThinkStats2/code/ UserWarning: Ran out of colors. Starting over.
warnings.warn('Ran out of colors. Starting over.')