
A lerna practice project provided by Docker

Primary LanguageShell

Lerna Tutorial Example

This repo give you an independent enviornment to play with lerna. We leverage on Docker to provide you a gitserver and a lightweight npm server so that you can easy to understand and learn how lerna publish, release and so on.

You will have following components after setup:

  • NPM server(We use verdaccio)
    • npmserver is docker dontainer name
  • GIT server(Simple git server on SSH and already contain a bare repository)
    • gitserver is docker dontainer name
  • Workspace(Git, Node.js and NPM installed), develop/testing/deploy/publish here!!
    • workspace is docker dontainer name


Install and run

$ cd ~
$ mkdir .ssh
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa

$ git clone https://github.com/AllenFang/lerna-tutorial-example.git
$ cd lerna-tutorial-example
$ cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub ./docker/git-server/keys
$ cp ~/.ssh/id_rsa ./docker/git-server/keys
$ cd docker
$ docker-compose up -d

After docker compose start, gitserver and npmserver will run in the background then you need to type following commands to launch to workspace container to do further setup:

docker-compose run workspace sh

Setup NPM

$ npm set registry http://npmserver:4873
$ npm adduser --registry http://npmserver:4873  # Keyin your username, password and email

Then open your browser and do login via http://localhost:4873. After login, you will see no any package published yet. So two steps you need to do as below:

Setup GIT

$ git config --global user.email "you@example.com"  # Keyin your email
$ git config --global user.name "Your Name"  # Keyin your username

Setup Dummy Project

$ git clone ssh://git@gitserver/git-server/repos/examples.git
$ cd examples
$ npm install

Lerna Test

After above commands, you already setup the git and npm config in the workspace container then it's time that we can publish modules via lerna:

$ ./node_modules/.bin/lerna publish

After above comment, lerna will ask you auto detect what packages had changes since last publish and ask you what version you want to upgrade by a prmopt. Following is the result screenshot:

lerna publish result

When you go to http://localhost:4873, you will see following result: npm publish result