
Avoid writing into the labnotebook before the sweep can be aborted

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t-b commented

File: issue-1743\Pvalb-IRES-Cre;Ai14-646904.13.03.02_original.pxp

MIES version:

Date and time of last commit: 2022-09-02T17:27:13+02:00
Submodule status:
 f3493461480eaafa97939940693ed693860048a6 Packages/IPNWB (f349346)
 56f1da31d786a593892280c2d2b2b1190def0fb5 Packages/doc/doxygen-filter-ipf (heads/main)
 a8d4707e7c72555baefbb9a4d52de920e1d8ebb9 Packages/unit-testing (a8d4707)

Dashboard with main 75613dd (Merge pull request #1672 from AllenInstitute/bugfix/1672-warn-about-empty-wb-epochs, 2023-05-26) reveals that the "DAQ stop reason" for sweep 41 can not be queried.

Labnotebook screenshot:

Note the 42 entry in line 1649 with the later 41 entries from TP again.

Breakdown of what happened (guess):

  • TP was running after sweep 41 was stopped manually (DAQ stop reason from the logbook viewer)
  • The entry in line 1649 is PSQ_RAMP version that is called from PRE_DAQ_EVENT/PRE_SET_EVENT in PSQ_Ramp
  • We do have in the history (ITC18USB_Dev_0) Please select a different indexing end setimset for DA channel 0 referenced by headstage 0
  • We then have TP entries for sweep 41 again

So this looks like PSQ_Ramp was started but then aborted due to the history message. The history does not have a timestamp, so this is only a guess. And as TP ran again after that try we have a messed up labnotebook.

To fix that:

  • Don't write into the labnotebook from analysis function events which are before the point where we definitly start DAQ. These events are PRE_DAQ_EVENT/PRE_SET_EVENT/PRE_SWEEP_CONFIG_EVENT. For these events we also pass in the future sweep number of the next sweep.

Should be coordinated with #1235.