
Speedup hardware testing with coverage

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t-b commented

MIES version: 662d0fe (Merge pull request #1835 from AllenInstitute/feature/1835-update-documentation-toolchain, 2023-08-04)

Running HardwareTests.pxp with ITC hardware and coverage results in the following 50 top most called functions:

•ShowTopFunctions(50, mode = UTF_ANALYTICS_FUNCTIONS)
   Function Calls | Sum of called Lines | Procedure                              | Function                        | Line |
 4753799        | 28523418            | MIES_MiesUtilities.ipf                 | GetHardwareType                 | 2272 |
 4134880        | 12404640            | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | GetDevicePath                   | 628  |
 3581690        | 28674574            | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | GetDA_EphysGuiStateNum          | 5594 |
 3484014        | 20904084            | MIES_GuiUtilities.ipf                  | GetSetVariable                  | 402  |
 1733202        | 22529500            | MIES_Utilities.ipf                     | CheckIfClose                    | 3275 |
 1731193        | 38176196            | MIES_DAEphys_GuiState.ipf              | DAG_GetNumericalValue           | 177  |
 1674810        | 5024430             | MIES_Utilities.ipf                     | EqualValuesOrBothNaN            | 5816 |
 1044620        | 19802740            | MIES_Utilities.ipf                     | RemovePrefix                    | 1609 |
 713782         | 19951398            | MIES_DAEphys.ipf                       | DAP_ParsePanelControl           | 4140 |
 597489         | 12669074            | MIES_MiesUtilities.ipf                 | GetPanelControl                 | 436  |
 514086         | 8270199             | MIES_Utilities.ipf                     | EnsureLargeEnoughWave           | 436  |
 420306         | 3362293             | MIES_Utilities.ipf                     | NormalizeToEOL                  | 4140 |
 417570         | 3340560             | MIES_GuiUtilities.ipf                  | GetPopupMenuString              | 426  |
 395706         | 2374236             | MIES_GuiUtilities.ipf                  | GetRecreationMacroAndType       | 2146 |
 357225         | 7720920             | MIES_MiesUtilities.ipf                 | DecimateMinMax                  | 6619 |
 343179         | 2745432             | MIES_GuiUtilities.ipf                  | GetSetVariableString            | 412  |
 329143         | 1974858             | MIES_MiesUtilities.ipf                 | GetStimSetType                  | 4696 |
 329143         | 3947298             | MIES_WaveBuilder.ipf                   | WB_SplitStimsetName             | 2783 |
 328419         | 1642095             | MIES_WaveBuilder.ipf                   | WB_ParseStimulusType            | 2741 |
 323964         | 2267748             | MIES_GuiUtilities.ipf                  | GetPopupMenuIndex               | 440  |
 299994         | 7485671             | MIES_Cache.ipf                         | CA_TryFetchingEntryFromCache    | 532  |
 292400         | 877200              | MIES_MiesUtilities.ipf                 | GetSpecialControlLabel          | 427  |
 267414         | 1091440             | MIES_MiesUtilities.ipf                 | GetSetParamFolder               | 4741 |
 252722         | 2274498             | MIES_MiesUtilities.ipf                 | GetWaveBuilderParameterTypeName | 5098 |
 252692         | 3032304             | MIES_WaveBuilder.ipf                   | WB_GetParameterWaveName         | 103  |
 247961         | 3476838             | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | UpgradeWaveLocationAndGetIt     | 389  |
 191519         | 5175767             | MIES_MiesUtilities.ipf                 | GetLastSetting                  | 989  |
 170702         | 1365616             | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | P_GetDevicePressureFolderAS     | 4443 |
 144869         | 1896140             | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | GetLBIndexCache                 | 2005 |
 143423         | 430269              | MIES_Debugging.ipf                     | DEBUGPRINT                      | 426  |
 139254         | 867598              | MIES_GlobalStringAndVariableAccess.ipf | GetNVARAsString                 | 55   |
 131886         | 1187013             | MIES_Utilities.ipf                     | num2strHighPrec                 | 4560 |
 131693         | 7171899             | MIES_MiesUtilities.ipf                 | GetLastSettingNoCache           | 1082 |
 131632         | 1726157             | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | GetLBRowCache                   | 1926 |
 116883         | 981108              | MIES_MiesUtilities.ipf                 | GetNumberFromType               | 3648 |
 116514         | 349542              | MIES_GuiUtilities.ipf                  | DoesControlHaveInternalString   | 1662 |
 102807         | 1272831             | MIES_MiesUtilities.ipf                 | IsValidConfigWave               | 6195 |
 95657          | 1243541             | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | UpgradeDataFolderLocation       | 286  |
 95657          | 286971              | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | GetDAQDevicesFolder             | 575  |
 93375          | 564508              | MIES_GlobalStringAndVariableAccess.ipf | GetSVARAsString                 | 83   |
 92262          | 1106282             | MIES_WaveBuilder.ipf                   | WB_GetSegWvTypeForSet           | 179  |
 92199          | 368796              | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | UpgradeSegWvType                | 4075 |
 90774          | 1088426             | MIES_WaveBuilder.ipf                   | WB_GetWaveTextParamForSet       | 154  |
 90628          | 543768              | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | UpgradeWaveTextParam            | 3860 |
 87725          | 620830              | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | P_GetPressureDataWaveRef        | 4686 |
 87475          | 362211              | MIES_MiesUtilities.ipf                 | GetSetFolder                    | 4709 |
 86437          | 910021              | MIES_Utilities.ipf                     | ExtractStringFromPair           | 1190 |
 81078          | 571213              | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | P_PressureDataTxtWaveRef        | 4751 |
 80807          | 569589              | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | GetChannelClampMode             | 511  |
 76911          | 543202              | MIES_WaveDataFolderGetters.ipf         | GetChanAmpAssign                | 45   |

The number of function calls look insane.