
使用 Libnet 编写的 SYN Flood 拒绝服务攻击

Primary LanguageC++ISC LicenseISC

SYN Flood 拒绝服务攻击

This project is a simple DDos attack tool based on SYN flood. Written in C++, using libnet. I wrote a tutorial at http://blog.forec.cn/2016/11/20/ddos-syn-attack/.


  • The code is written under Windows 10, in VS Ultimate 2013, version 12.0.21005.1 REL.
  • 中文版安装指南看这里
  • To configure the libnet package, you need to download its newest source code from here, and then install WinPcap by this installer. After that, download WpdPack source code from this link. Unzip the libnet and wpdpack compressed package.
  • Assume that you unzip libnet's package to E:\libnet-1.2-rc3, unzip wpdpack's package to E:\WpdPack. There's a folder win32 in E:\libnet-1.2-rc3\libnet. You need to build a visual studio project, using the codes in that folder.
  • Configure the project: there're two folders named include in E:\libnet-1.2-rc3\libnet and E:\WpdPack, here it should be E:\libnet-1.2-rc3\libnet\include and E:\WpdPack\include. Add the two paths into the Include path of the project (in project settings, choose VC++ path, and you will see this option).
  • Add the lib path of WpdPack into Lib path of the project, here it should be E:\WpdPack\Lib.
  • Edit the in_systm.h under E:\libnet-1.2-rc3\libnet\win32, add the following definitions at the end of file:
typedef char int8_t;
typedef short int16_t;
typedef int int32_t;
  • Now you can build by press F7. You will find Libnet.dll and Libnet.lib under E:\libnet-1.2-rc3\libnet\win32\Debug. Copy them to C:\Windows\System32 and C:\Windows\SysWOW64. After the upper steps, you have configured libnet already.
  • You can now create a VS project containing the two files in this repository: SYNFlood.cpp and wingetopt.h.
  • Setup the project settings, add E:\libnet-1.2-rc3\libnet\include, E:\libnet-1.2-rc3\libnet\src, E:\libnet-1.2-rc3\libnet\include\libnet, E:\WpdPack\Include, E:\WpdPack\Include\pcap into the project's VC++ include path.
  • Add E:\WpdPack\Lib, E:\WpdPack\Lib\x64, E:\libnet-1.2-rc3\libnet\win32\Debug into the VC++ library path.
  • Add libnet.lib to the addtional entries of linker.
  • Add E:\libnet-1.2-rc3\libnet\win32\Debug to the additional library paths.
  • Generate the executable file now.


  • You can download a compiled binary file from here.
  • Three optional flags are provided:
  • -t : set the target ipaddress and port, using the format of, here 80 is the target port, and is the target ip address.
  • -s : the number of attacing packets to be sent per second. By default, it will send in maximum speed.
  • -p : number of threads to send packets per second. Default is 1 thread.
  • For example, run synFlood.exe -t, it will send syn packets to at maximum speed with 1 thread.
  • You can use wireshark to capture the SYN packets sent.

Running status

Use the program to attack my CVM, the wireshark captures those SYN packets. However, since the provider of my CVM has defense for DDos attack, I didn't see any thing wrong with my website server running in CVM.


  • 2016-11-20: Add this project and build repository.


All codes in this repository are licensed under the terms you may find in the file named "LICENSE" in this directory.