
Gismo is a Grasshopper plugin for GIS environmental analysis

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION



Gismo is a free and open source Grasshopper plugin for GIS environmental analysis.


Gismo enables automatic generation of urban environment and terrain geometry based on location's latitude-longitude coordinates and radius. This includes connection with openstreetmap website and generation of buildings, trees, roads, rivers and other map elements. 3d building elements can also be used as a context for further analysis types: isovist (visibility), solar radiation, thermal/wind comfort, cfd analysis...

* more screenshots...


  • McNeel Rhinoceros 5 32bit or 64bit SR9 or higher. Rhino WIP is not supported at the moment!
  • Grasshopper 0.9.0075 or 0.9.0076.
  • Ghpython plugin
  • MapWinGIS 32bit or 64bit or higher
  • Active internet connection.


    1. Install the upper mentioned requirements (Rhino 5, Grasshopper, Ghpython, MapWinGIS).
    1. Download the latest Gismo plugin files as a single .zip file from here: https://github.com/stgeorges/gismo/zipball/master
    1. Check if downloaded .zip file has been blocked: right click on it, and choose Properties. If there is an Unblock button click on it, and then click on OK. If there is no Unblock button, just click on OK.
    1. Unpack the .zip file.
    1. Copy the content from userObjects folder to your Grasshopper's: File->Special Folders->User Object Folder folder.

Additional info

Gismo is heavily influenced by Ladybug a free and open source environmental plugin for Grasshopper. It is using its code template, and follows the Labybug code organization. Some methods from Ladybug may have also been copied. Gismo is licensed under GPL-3.0+ license: http://spdx.org/licenses/GPL-3.0+


Djordje Spasic

Guillaume Meunier

Support on various issues and questions has been given by: Alec Bennett, Andrew T. Young, Bojan Savric, Christopher Crosby, Dragan Milenkovic, Even Rouault, Graham Dawson, Izabela Spasic, Jonathan de Ferranti, Menno Deij-van Rijswijk, Michal Migurski, Mostapha Sadeghipour Roudsari, Paul Meems, Sergei Leschinsky, Timothy Logan, Ulrich Deuschle, Vladimir Elistratov, OSM and GDAL communities.