
Primary LanguageSolidityMIT LicenseMIT


An appreciating asset backed by captured carbon.

Contract Details

ERC20 Standard Methods and Attributes

Built using OpenZeppelin's ERC20 implementation. Please see their docs for the ERC20 standard methods.

Custom Attributes

KelpToken contains two custom attributes:

    uint256 public totalGramsCarbonSequestered;

totalGramsCarbonSequestered tracks the total amount of carbon sequestered during the lifetime of the contract.

    uint256 public liquidityParameter;

liquidityParameter is a free parameter that controls the rate of change of the issuance rate. A higher liquidity parameter means a higher overall supply of KELP tokens. A lower parameter means the fungible tokens appreciate faster in terms of carbon captured per token.

Custom Methods

The KelpToken contract implements a few new methods on top of ERC20 and overrides a few.


The constructor sets the liquidityParameter for the contract.

    constructor(uint256 _liquidityParameter) ERC20("KelpToken", "KELP") {
        liquidityParameter = _liquidityParameter; //higher value means more circulating supply


A convenience function that computes the issuance rate for KELP at the time the function is called. Returns a value in planktons. To get the issuance rate in planktons per kilogram of carbon captured, call computeAmountToMint with _carbonGrams = 1000.

    function computeAmountToMint(uint256 _carbonGrams) public view returns (uint256) {
        return (_carbonGrams.mul(1e8)).div(((totalSupply().div(liquidityParameter)).add(1)));


KELP has 8 decimal points, same as bitcoin.

    function decimals() public view virtual override returns (uint8) {
      return 8;


Sets the liquidity parameter. This would be the only way to manually modify the issuance rate. Not to be used but it's nice to have options.

    function setliquidityParameter(uint _value) public onlyOwner {
        liquidityParameter = _value;


Method for performing the minting of KELP. Computes the issuance rate, emits and event, and calls the _mint method to do the ERC20 token minting.

    function mintKelpToken(address _to, uint _gramsCarbonSequestered, bytes32 _docHash) public onlyOwner {
        totalGramsCarbonSequestered = totalGramsCarbonSequestered.add(_gramsCarbonSequestered);
        uint amountToMint = computeAmountToMint(_gramsCarbonSequestered);
        emit KelpMinted(
        _mint(_to, amountToMint);

Custom Events

KelpMinted is the only custom event in the contract. It records important details: how much carbon was sequestered for the preceding period (_gramsCarbonSequestered), how many planktons were minted in this minting (_unitsMinted), the issuance rate used (_issuancePlanktonPerGram), the cumulative sequestered carbon mass at the time of minting (_cumulativeMassGrams), the cumulative supply of Kelp (in planktons) at the time of minting (_cumulativeSupply), the docHash for the minting, and the beneficiary (``), or the ethereum address to receive the minted kelp (_beneficiary).

    event KelpMinted(
        uint _gramsCarbonSequestered, 
        uint _unitsMinted, 
        uint _issuancePlanktonPerGram,
        uint _cumulativeMassGrams,
        uint _cumulativeSupply,
        bytes32 _docHash,
        address _beneficiary