- Classifies a post to one of four subreddits (r/depression, r/lonely, r/unpopularopinion, r/MachineLearning);
- Classifies whether a post belongs to r/depression.
- Using no normalization
- Using the Porter Stemmer
- Using WordNetLemmatizer
Appropriately named folders contain the models. Each folder contains CleanDataAndTrainModel file with all posts processing and model training. ClassifyFunction contains function for classifying one post with the models. Training, testing data and trained models are in /Model
Contains scraped posts from Reddit from the four subreddits and a file with all posts combined.
Main directory contains the Streamlit app with post classifier page, the four subreddit exploration page (using WordNetLemmatizer) and exploration page for the three models.
streamlit run streamlit_app.py
App also deployed to https://share.streamlit.io/alliix/subredditclassification/main