CGRA Simulator

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



This repository's object is to build a framework make test, evaluate and implement CGRA easier.

Currently the simulator supports only 1 architecture as below. Each PE is able to finish ALU function and Load/Store Function.

 ┌──┐   ┌──┐   ┌──┐   ┌──┐ 
 │PE│ - │PE│ - │PE│ - │PE│ 
 └──┘   └──┘   └──┘   └──┘ 
  |      |      |      |    
 ┌──┐   ┌──┐   ┌──┐   ┌──┐ 
 │PE│ - │PE│ - │PE│ - │PE│ 
 └──┘   └──┘   └──┘   └──┘ 
  |      |      |      |   
 ┌──┐   ┌──┐   ┌──┐   ┌──┐ 
 │PE│ - │PE│ - │PE│ - │PE│ 
 └──┘   └──┘   └──┘   └──┘ 
  |      |      |      |   
 ┌──┐   ┌──┐   ┌──┐   ┌──┐ 
 │PE│ - │PE│ - │PE│ - │PE│ 
 └──┘   └──┘   └──┘   └──┘ 


Example: python3 simulator/sim.py --exedir test/dummy

usage: sim.py [-h] [--pe_row_size PE_ROW_SIZE] [--pe_col_size PE_COL_SIZE] [--scratchpad_mem_size SCRATCHPAD_MEM_SIZE]
              [--exedir EXEDIR] [--log_fname LOG_FNAME] [--log_level LOG_LEVEL]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --pe_row_size PE_ROW_SIZE
                        *PE row size.
  --pe_col_size PE_COL_SIZE
                        *PE column size.
  --scratchpad_mem_size SCRATCHPAD_MEM_SIZE
                        *scratchpad memory size.
  --exedir EXEDIR       the directory where PE instructions locate.
  --log_fname LOG_FNAME
                        where the log file is stored.
  --log_level LOG_LEVEL
                        logging level (int): CRITICAL = 50, ERROR = 40, WARNING = 30, INFO = 20, DEBUG = 10, NOTSET =

PE ISA Definition

  • 16bit
  • 3 types instruction: load/store instruction and R type instruction and I type instruction

Instruction Types

  • load/store inst
15:3 2 1:0
address load/store operation function
  • R type inst
15:13 12:10 9:6 5:2 1:0
src2 src1 unused operation function
  • I type inst
15:9 8:6 5:2 1:0
immediate src1 operation function

Codec Description

Function Codec

value description
00 Idle
01 load/store inst
10 R type inst
11 I type inst

Operation Codec

Bits Description
0000 add
0001 sub
0010 shift left
0011 shift right
0100 mul
0101 div
0110 abs
0111 activation

Source Codec

Bits Description
000 east
001 south
010 west
011 north
100 westsouth
101 westnorth
110 self
111 none

Load/Store Codec

Bits Description
0 load
1 store