
demo project for using Dlib in python to create face detection system.

Primary LanguagePython


small API for using Dlib in python to create face detection and facial landmark detection system. achieve real-time performance on edge devices and CPU with a high tolerance for posed faces.

How to use

clone project, copy files to your project and you are good to go. example :

1- import wrapper class

from detector_light_dlib import FaceDetectorLightDlib

2- create an instance and load the facial landmark and face detection models

detection_system = FaceDetectorLightDlib()

3- call your detector on images or video frames

bounding_boxes, facial_points = detection_system.detect(image)

4- clean your models for saving space (it's very tiny but still matter for some applications!)



openCV dlib numpy

expected output

a NumPy array of bounding boxes for faces and NumPy array of n element each contains x,y coordinates of 5 facial points (two for each eye and one for the nose)

have fun !!