
Hpools Miner Dockerized

Primary LanguageDockerfile

Docker Hpool Miner


Pull the image and download the config.yaml

docker run -d \
   --name=hpool-miner \
   -v {config to config.yaml file}//...config.yaml:/hpool/config.yaml:ro \
   -v {dir to plots}:/plots \

If runing on Unraid you must add the --network="host" to the config to allow for connectivity

Config file

Edit config file and add apiKey minus {}, change the name if you wish and change scanMinute to what you like. I have mine set to 1 You can just copy this template and save as config.yaml but has to be in this format exact.

- /plots/
minerName: Docker-Miner
apiKey: {Provided Hpool API}
cachePath: ""
deviceId: ""
extraParams: {}
  lv: debug
  path: /plots/logs
  name: miner.log
  info: ""
  submit: ""
scanPath: true
scanMinute: 1

Creating Signature Key

You will have to console into the container to retrieve your signature key. I have not yet found a simpler way of doing this.

docker exec -it hpool-miner bash
./plot-sign -action sign

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