
Single Immich Container for Unraid (Or Any Other OS With Docker)

Primary LanguageDockerfileGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

GitHub Release GitHub Package Repository Jenkins Build IG CI

Immich is a high performance self-hosted photo and video backup solution.


Supported Architectures

We use Docker manifest for cross-platform compatibility. More details can be found on Docker's website.

To obtain the appropriate image for your architecture, simply pull ghcr.io/imagegenius/immich:latest. Alternatively, you can also obtain specific architecture images by using tags.

This image supports the following architectures:

Architecture Available Tag
x86-64 amd64-<version tag>
arm64 arm64v8-<version tag>

Version Tags

This image offers different versions via tags. Be cautious when using unstable or development tags, and read their descriptions carefully.

Tag Available Description
latest Latest Immich release with an Ubuntu base.
noml Latest Immich release with an Alpine base. Machine-learning is completly removed. (tinnny image), use this if your CPU does not support AVX

Application Setup

The WebUI can be accessed at http://your-ip:8080 Follow the wizard to set up Immich.

To use Immich, you need to have PostgreSQL 14 and Redis set up either externally or within the container using docker-mods.

To set up the dependencies using docker-mods, use the following:

  • Redis: DOCKER_MODS=imagegenius/mods:universal-redis - Set REDIS_HOSTNAME to localhost.
  • PostgreSQL: DOCKER_MODS=imagegenius/mods:universal-postgres - Set DB_HOSTNAME to localhost and set DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, and DB_DATABASE_NAME to postgres.

If you want to use both, set DOCKER_MODS to imagegenius/mods:universal-redis|imagegenius/mods:universal-postgres.

Unraid: Migrate from docker-compose

⚠️ Pre-read all these steps before doing anying, if you are confused open an issue.

When using the official Immich docker-compose, the PostgreSQL data is stored in a docker volume which should be located at /var/lib/docker/volumes/pgdata/_data. Before preceeding you must stop the docker-compose stack.

1. Move the database

To move the PostgreSQL data to the unraid array run:

mv /var/lib/docker/volumes/pgdata/_data /mnt/user/appdata/postgres14

Install postgresql14 from the Unraid CA and remove these variables from the template: POSTGRES_USER, POSTGRES_PASSWORD, POSTGRES_DB. The database is already initialised and these variables don't do anything. Also set Database Storage Path to /mnt/user/appdata/postgres14.

2. Move the uploads

In the docker-compose .env you would have set the UPLOAD_LOCATION, copy that down and use it below:

⚠️ Note that Immich created the uploads folder within the UPLOAD_LOCATION.

mv <upload_location>/uploads /mnt/user/<elsewhere>

3. Setup the imagegenius/immich container

Search the unraid CA for immich, choose either CorneliousJD's or vcxpz's templates (vcxpz is the official imagegenius template).

⚠️ You must configure the template to the values listed in the docker-compose .env

Ensure that the template matches the DB_USERNAME, DB_PASSWORD, DB_DATABASE_NAME and JWT_SECRET from the .env. Set Path: /photos to /mnt/user/<elsewhere>.

Click Apply, Open the WebUI and login. Everything Should be as it was.


Example snippets to start creating a container:

Docker Compose

version: "2.1"
    image: ghcr.io/imagegenius/immich:latest
    container_name: immich
      - PUID=1000
      - PGID=1000
      - TZ=Etc/UTC
      - DB_HOSTNAME=192.168.1.x
      - DB_USERNAME=postgres
      - DB_PASSWORD=postgres
      - DB_DATABASE_NAME=immich
      - REDIS_HOSTNAME=redis
      - JWT_SECRET=somelongrandomstring
      - DB_PORT=5432 #optional
      - REDIS_PORT=6379 #optional
      - REDIS_PASSWORD= #optional
      - path_to_appdata:/config
      - path_to_photos:/photos
      - 8080:8080
    restart: unless-stopped
# This container requires an external application to be run separately to be run separately.
# Redis:
    image: redis
      - 6379:6379
    container_name: redis
# PostgreSQL 14:
    image: postgres:14
      - 5432:5432
    container_name: postgres14
      POSTGRES_USER: postgres
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres
      POSTGRES_DB: immich
      - path_to_postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data

docker run -d \
  --name=immich \
  -e PUID=1000 \
  -e PGID=1000 \
  -e TZ=Etc/UTC \
  -e DB_HOSTNAME=192.168.1.x \
  -e DB_USERNAME=postgres \
  -e DB_PASSWORD=postgres \
  -e DB_DATABASE_NAME=immich \
  -e REDIS_HOSTNAME=redis \
  -e JWT_SECRET=somelongrandomstring \
  -e DB_PORT=5432 `#optional` \
  -e REDIS_PORT=6379 `#optional` \
  -e REDIS_PASSWORD= `#optional` \
  -p 8080:8080 \
  -v path_to_appdata:/config \
  -v path_to_photos:/photos \
  --restart unless-stopped \

# This container requires an external application to be run separately.
# Redis:
docker run -d \
  --name=redis \
  -p 6379:6379 \

# PostgreSQL 14:
docker run -d \
  --name=postgres14 \
  -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres \
  -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=postgres \
  -e POSTGRES_DB=immich \
  -v path_to_postgres:/var/lib/postgresql/data \
  -p 5432:5432 \


To configure the container, pass variables at runtime using the format <external>:<internal>. For instance, -p 8080:80 exposes port 80 inside the container, making it accessible outside the container via the host's IP on port 8080.

Variable Description
-p 8080 WebUI Port
-e PUID=1000 for UserID - see below for explanation
-e PGID=1000 for GroupID - see below for explanation
-e TZ=Etc/UTC specify a timezone to use, see this list.
-e DB_HOSTNAME=192.168.1.x PostgreSQL Host
-e DB_USERNAME=postgres PostgreSQL Username
-e DB_PASSWORD=postgres PostgreSQL Password
-e DB_DATABASE_NAME=immich PostgreSQL Database Name
-e REDIS_HOSTNAME=redis Redis Hostname
-e JWT_SECRET=somelongrandomstring Run openssl rand -base64 128
-e DB_PORT=5432 PostgreSQL Port
-e REDIS_PORT=6379 Redis Port
-e REDIS_PASSWORD= Redis password
-v /config Contains the logs
-v /photos Contains all the photos uploaded to Immich

Umask for running applications

All of our images allow overriding the default umask setting for services started within the containers using the optional -e UMASK=022 option. Note that umask works differently than chmod and subtracts permissions based on its value, not adding. For more information, please refer to the Wikipedia article on umask here.

User / Group Identifiers

To avoid permissions issues when using volumes (-v flags) between the host OS and the container, you can specify the user (PUID) and group (PGID). Make sure that the volume directories on the host are owned by the same user you specify, and the issues will disappear.

Example: PUID=1000 and PGID=1000. To find your PUID and PGID, run id user.

  $ id username
    uid=1000(dockeruser) gid=1000(dockergroup) groups=1000(dockergroup)

Updating the Container

Most of our images are static, versioned, and require an image update and container recreation to update the app. We do not recommend or support updating apps inside the container. Check the Application Setup section for recommendations for the specific image.

Instructions for updating containers:

Via Docker Compose

  • Update all images: docker-compose pull
    • or update a single image: docker-compose pull immich
  • Let compose update all containers as necessary: docker-compose up -d
    • or update a single container: docker-compose up -d immich
  • You can also remove the old dangling images: docker image prune

Via Docker Run

  • Update the image: docker pull ghcr.io/imagegenius/immich:latest
  • Stop the running container: docker stop immich
  • Delete the container: docker rm immich
  • Recreate a new container with the same docker run parameters as instructed above (if mapped correctly to a host folder, your /config folder and settings will be preserved)
  • You can also remove the old dangling images: docker image prune


  • 11.02.23: - use external app block
  • 09.02.23: - Use Immich environment variables for immich services instead of hosts file
  • 09.02.23: - execute CLI with the command immich
  • 04.02.23: - shrink image
  • 26.01.23: - add unraid migration to readme
  • 26.01.23: - use find to apply chown to /app, excluding node_modules
  • 26.01.23: - enable ci testing
  • 24.01.23: - fix services starting prematurely, causing permission errors.
  • 23.01.23: - add noml image to readme and add aarch64 image to readme, make github release stable
  • 21.01.23: - BREAKING: Redis is removed. Update missing param_env_vars & opt_param_env_vars for redis & postgres
  • 02.01.23: - Initial Release.