
Hangman is a game I have made as a project on the nology course. It's a version of the classic pen and paper game.

How to use

It's very simple to use. Try and guess the word. For every correct letter you click, it will appear in the word. If you guess the word, you win. For every wrong letter, a portion of the hangman is added, if the drawing is complete you lose

What I've used

I have used HTML, and SCSS for design. I have also used Javascript to make everything work correctly. I have used lots of different types of functions. My level with Javascript is still very new. I have not done any testing yet.




Some cypress testing has been started.

What I'd like to add

I would like to add animation of the letters and the drawing of the hangman look like it is being hand drawn in chalk. I would also like to add a next word button, if you guess the correct word and as the game reloads an animation of a eraser erases everything out.


                   Version 3, 29 June 2007

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