
Purely functional API using http4s, circe and quill for cassandra.

Primary LanguageScala

Purely functional API using http4s, circe and quill for cassandra.

You can use this docker compose => Apache Cassandra docker composer

Create the environment:

    WITH replication = {'class': 'SimpleStrategy', 'replication_factor': 1};
    CREATE TYPE rent_object.address (
        street text,
        city text,
        state text,
        neighborhood text,
        zip_code int,
        number text,
        reference_point text

 CREATE TABLE "rent_object"."users" (
     user_id uuid,
     first_name text,
     last_name text,
     nickname text,
     email text,
     cpf text, 
     phone_number LIST<text>,
     birth_date date,
     user_password text,
     created_at timestamp,
     enabled boolean, 
     profile_image_url text,
     address list<frozen<address>>,
     PRIMARY KEY(user_id, created_at, email, user_password)
-- drop table "rent_object"."users"
SELECT * FROM "rent_object"."users"

You can use this curl of example: curl --location --request POST 'localhost:8080/user' --header 'Content-Type: application/json' --data-raw

	"first_name":"my name ",
	"last_name":" yeah",
	"phone_number":["28997586548, 87546214874"],
	"enabled": false,
	"address": [{
		"street": "high street",
		"city": "berlin",
		"state": "BL",
		"neighborhood": "haking",
		"zip_code": 64329040,
		"number": "SN",
		"reference_point": "next park"