
A simple template for research replication code. Originally designed for PLSC-31101 final projects.

Primary LanguageR

Allyson's Fun with R

This is the story of how a Stata user learned to love R.

Short Description

Give a short, 1-2 paragraph description of your project. Focus on the code, not the theoretical / substantive side of things.


List what software your code depends on, as well as version numbers, like so:.

  1. R, 3.6.1

In your scripts, includes commands that require() packages.


List all files (other than README.md and Final-Project.RProj) contained in the repo, along with a brief description of each one, like so:


  1. Narrative.Rmd: Provides a 3-5 page narrative of the project, main challenges, solutions, and results.
  2. Narrative.pdf: A knitted pdf of 00_Narrative.Rmd.
  3. Slides.XXX: Your lightning talk slides, in whatever format you prefer.


  1. 01_collect-nyt.R: Collects data from New York Times API and exports data to the file nyt.csv
  2. 02_merge-data.R: Loads, cleans, and merges the raw Polity and NYT datasets into the Analysis Dataset.
  3. 03_analysis.R: Conducts descriptive analysis of the data, producing the tables and visualizations found in the Results directory.


  1. polity.csv: The PolityVI dataset, available here: http://www.systemicpeace.org/inscrdata.html
  2. nyt.csv: Contains data from the New York Times API collected via collect-nyt.ipynb . Includes information on all articles containing the term "Programmer Cat", 1980-2010.
  3. analysis-dataset.csv: The final Analysis Dataset derived from the raw data above. It includes country-year values for all UN countries 1980-2010, with observations for the following variables:
    • ccode: Correlates of War numeric code for country observation
    • year: Year of observation
    • polity: PolityVI score
    • nyt: Number of New York Times articles about "Programmer Cat"


  1. coverage-over-time.jpeg: Graphs the number of articles about each region over time.
  2. regression-table.txt: Summarizes the results of OLS regression, modelling nyt on a number of covariates.

More Information

Include any other details you think your user might need to reproduce your results. You may also include other information such as your contact information, credits, etc.