
Data repo for FXHub

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Data repo for FXHub.

If you'd like your project featured on FXHub, please create an issue with the following information:

Full Example

# project title
title = Zephyria RPG

# project version
version = 0.1-SNAPSHOT

# short project description
description = A Kotlin RPG built with FXGL

# authors in CSV format
authors = Almas Baimagambetov

# tags in CSV format
tags = fxgl,zephyria,rpg

# project website, any website or github repo
website = https://github.com/AlmasB/Zephyria

# link to screenshot displaying app, leave empty if none
screenshot = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlmasB/git-server/master/storage/images/zephyria.png

# link to jlinked image for Windows in zip or .msi, produced by javafx-maven-plugin, leave empty if none
exeWindows = https://github.com/AlmasB/Zephyria/releases/download/0.1/zephyria-game.zip

# link to jlinked image for Linux in zip, produced by javafx-maven-plugin, leave empty if none
exeLinux = 

# link to jlinked image for Mac in zip, produced by javafx-maven-plugin, leave empty if none
exeMac = 

Short Example

title = Zephyria RPG
version = 0.1-SNAPSHOT
description = A Kotlin RPG built with FXGL
authors = Almas Baimagambetov
tags = fxgl,zephyria,rpg

website = https://github.com/AlmasB/Zephyria

screenshot = https://raw.githubusercontent.com/AlmasB/git-server/master/storage/images/zephyria.png

exeWindows = https://github.com/AlmasB/Zephyria/releases/download/0.1/zephyria-game.zip