
Database of Emory CS and Math courses that gives classes left to take to graduate with given major(s)/minor(s)

Primary LanguagePHP


Database of Emory CS and Math courses that gives classes left to take to graduate with given major(s)/minor(s)

File: form.php

  1. Contains code in php and html languages
  2. Allows user to provide information such as major(s), minor(s), expected graduation date, date of enrollment
  3. Checks for validity of the provided information
  4. Outputs classes user can take based on provided information

File: ER Diagram & Relational Model

  1. Entity - Relation Diagram provides overarching idea of how database is structured
  2. Relational Model provides more structured overview of database that includes primary and foreign keys, and column representation in SQL

File: Create-tables.SQL

  1. Creates and uses 'coursesSuggest' database
  2. Creates tables by specifying data types and constraints

File: Populate-tables.SQL

  1. Uses .csv files to populate tables created by 'create-tables.sql'

Files: Query1-5

  1. Provide some generic queries that is used by form.php


Database obeys 1NF and 2NF Normal Forms

Database accounts for times when courses are offered. Example: course might be offered only in fall, spring or both