Software Engineering Manager | Tech Lead | Senior Software Engineer | 2x AWS | Node.JS | Javascript | Typescript | Docker
Barueri, SP
Pinned Repositories
Web scraper desenvolvido em node.js para realizar extração de significados de palavras em dicionários de inglês para integração com o Anki, software de repetição espaçada
Improved version of the Anki-Pipe project. It helps people that want to learn english as a second language through integration between an online dictionary and anki flashcard software
Project created to practice and learn about the OAS (Open API Specification) writing it down line-by-line
Software desenvolvido durante o 3º semestre do curso de Sistemas de Informação na matéria Códigos de Alta Performance
Software para ajudar colaboradores a performar durante seu horário de expediente
Attempt to reimplement the twitter interface with css flexbox in order to practice some frontend, since I'm a backend developer and don't have so much practice with frontend development.
REST API of the vacancy portal developed during the challenge made by the company Bayer in the second year of the college developed in node.js and Express
Vue version of the uSoftware-bayer-front project develop during my Information Systems degree at São Paulo School of Informatics and Administration
Front-end do sistema de atendimento para o MP - Challenge FIAP
Sistema de desafios de lógica de programação
AlmeidaIgorCarlos's Repositories
Web scraper desenvolvido em node.js para realizar extração de significados de palavras em dicionários de inglês para integração com o Anki, software de repetição espaçada
Improved version of the Anki-Pipe project. It helps people that want to learn english as a second language through integration between an online dictionary and anki flashcard software
Project created to practice and learn about the OAS (Open API Specification) writing it down line-by-line
Software desenvolvido durante o 3º semestre do curso de Sistemas de Informação na matéria Códigos de Alta Performance
Software para ajudar colaboradores a performar durante seu horário de expediente
Attempt to reimplement the twitter interface with css flexbox in order to practice some frontend, since I'm a backend developer and don't have so much practice with frontend development.
REST API of the vacancy portal developed during the challenge made by the company Bayer in the second year of the college developed in node.js and Express
Vue version of the uSoftware-bayer-front project develop during my Information Systems degree at São Paulo School of Informatics and Administration
Front-end do sistema de atendimento para o MP - Challenge FIAP