
🐰🐰 Example of using Rabbit MQ in .NET 7. Example of RabbitMQ with Publisher and Consumer. .NET 7 | RabbitMQ 🐰 | Docker

Primary LanguageC#

.NET 7 | RabbitMQ 🐰 | Docker

🐰 Example of using Rabbit MQ in .NET 7.

Example of RabbitMQ with Publisher and Consumer.

The application aims to show how Rabbit MQ works what its purpose is with an example.

Technologies and tools used: Visual studio 2022, Docker and RabbitMQ.

An Image for Rabbit MQ was downloaded via Docker Hub in order to have a GUI for Rabbit MQ.

To get started you need to include 2 projects: Airline.API and Airline.Consumer.

Airline.API is a Web API project that consists of interfaces, services, and implementation.
Airline.Consumer is a console application that imitates an end user receiving a message in JSON format.