
Simplest way to read & normalize RSS/ATOM/JSON feed data

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


To read & normalize RSS/ATOM/JSON feed data.

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feed-extractor is a part of tool sets for content builder:

You can use one or combination of these tools to build news sites, create automated content systems for marketing campaign or gather dataset for NLP projects...


feed-reader has been renamed to @extractus/feed-extractor since v6.1.4


Install & Usage


npm i @extractus/feed-extractor

# pnpm
pnpm i @extractus/feed-extractor

# yarn
yarn add @extractus/feed-extractor
// es6 module
import { read } from '@extractus/feed-extractor'

// CommonJS
const { read } = require('@extractus/feed-extractor')

// or specify exactly path to CommonJS variant
const { read } = require('@extractus/feed-extractor/dist/cjs/feed-extractor.js')


// deno < 1.28
import { read } from 'https://esm.sh/@extractus/feed-extractor'

// deno > 1.28
import { read } from 'npm:@extractus/feed-extractor'


import { read } from 'https://unpkg.com/@extractus/feed-extractor@latest/dist/feed-extractor.esm.js'

Please check the examples for reference.

Deta cloud

For Deta devs please refer the source code and guideline here or simply click the button below.




Load and extract feed data from given RSS/ATOM/JSON source. Return a Promise object.


read(String url)
read(String url, Object options)
read(String url, Object options, Object fetchOptions)


url required

URL of a valid feed source

Feed content must be accessible and conform one of the following standards:

For example:

import { read } from '@extractus/feed-extractor'

const result = await read('https://news.google.com/atom')

Without any options, the result should have the following structure:

  title: String,
  link: String,
  description: String,
  generator: String,
  language: String,
  published: ISO Date String,
  entries: Array[
      title: String,
      link: String,
      description: String,
      published: ISO Datetime String
    // ...
options optional

Object with all or several of the following properties:

  • normalization: Boolean, normalize feed data or keep original. Default true.
  • useISODateFormat: Boolean, convert datetime to ISO format. Default true.
  • descriptionMaxLen: Number, to truncate description. Default 210 (characters).
  • xmlParserOptions: Object, used by xml parser, view fast-xml-parser's docs
  • getExtraFeedFields: Function, to get more fields from feed data
  • getExtraEntryFields: Function, to get more fields from feed entry data

For example:

import { read } from '@extractus/feed-extractor'

await read('https://news.google.com/atom', {
  useISODateFormat: false

await read('https://news.google.com/rss', {
  useISODateFormat: false,
  getExtraFeedFields: (feedData) => {
    return {
      subtitle: feedData.subtitle || ''
  getExtraEntryFields: (feedEntry) => {
    const {
    } = feedEntry
    return {
      enclosure: {
        url: enclosure['@_url'],
        type: enclosure['@_type'],
        length: enclosure['@_length']
      category: isString(category) ? category : {
        text: category['@_text'],
        domain: category['@_domain']
fetchOptions optional

You can use this param to set request headers to fetch.

For example:

import { read } from '@extractus/feed-extractor'

const url = 'https://news.google.com/rss'
await read(url, null, {
  headers: {
    'user-agent': 'Opera/9.60 (Windows NT 6.0; U; en) Presto/2.1.1'

You can also specify a proxy endpoint to load remote content, instead of fetching directly.

For example:

import { read } from '@extractus/feed-extractor'

const url = 'https://news.google.com/rss'

await read(url, null, {
  headers: {
    'user-agent': 'Opera/9.60 (Windows NT 6.0; U; en) Presto/2.1.1'
  proxy: {
    target: 'https://your-secret-proxy.io/loadXml?url=',
    headers: {
      'Proxy-Authorization': 'Bearer YWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuc2VzYW1l...'

Passing requests to proxy is useful while running @extractus/feed-extractor on browser. View examples/browser-feed-reader as reference example.

Quick evaluation

git clone https://github.com/extractus/feed-extractor.git
cd feed-extractor
npm install

node eval.js --url=https://news.google.com/rss --normalization=y --useISODateFormat=y --includeEntryContent=n --includeOptionalElements=n


The MIT License (MIT)