
Cezerin is React and Node.js based eCommerce platform.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Cezerin - Ecommerce Progressive Web Apps

Cezerin is React and Node.js based eCommerce platform. Allows creating a Progressive Web Apps.

Built with:

  • Node.js v8.9
  • React v16
  • Redux
  • Express
  • Babel
  • WebPack
  • MongoDB


Client-side dashboard use JSON Web Token (JWT) to access REST API.

Cezerin Dashboard


Single-Page Application with React server-side rendering. Demo store

Cezerin Store

Cezerin Store



  • NodeJS >= 8
  • NPM >= 5
  • MongoDB >= 3.2


git clone https://github.com/cezerin/cezerin.git cezerin
cd cezerin
npm install
npm run build
npm start

Then open http://localhost:3000 to see your app.

npm run <script> Description
clean:admin Delete admin asset bundles.
clean:store Delete store asset bundles.
compile:dev Compiles the application to disk and watch (~/dist by default).
compile Compiles the application to disk (~/dist by default).
webpack:admin:dev Assemble admin bundles and watch.
webpack:store:dev Assemble store bundles and watch.
webpack:admin:prod Assemble admin bundles.
webpack:store:prod Assemble store bundles.
theme:install Install theme from /public/.zip
theme:export Zip current theme to /public/.zip
theme:copy Compile theme and copy assets to /public/
theme:build:dev Refresh theme after modification and watch.
theme:build:prod Refresh theme after modification.
build:dev Compile and assemble bundles and watch.
build Compile and assemble bundles.
start Start node server.

Application Structure

├── config                   # Project and build configurations
├── dist                     # Distribution folder
├── locales                  # Text files
├── logs                     # Log files
├── public                   # Static public assets and uploads
│   ├── admin                # Dashboard index.html
│   ├── admin-assets         # Dashboard assets
│   └── content              # Store root folder
├── scripts                  # Shell scripts for theme install/export
├── src                      # Application source code
│   ├── admin                # Dashboard application
│   │   └── client           # Client side code
│   ├── api                  # REST API
│   │   └── server           # Server side code
│   ├── store                # Store application
│   |   ├── client             # Client side code
│   |   ├── server             # Server side code
│   |   └── shared             # Universal code
│   └── index.js             # Server application start point
├── theme                    # Theme as a local package
└── process.json             # pm2 process file




If you can, please contribute by reporting issues, discussing ideas, or submitting pull requests with patches and new features. We do our best to respond to all issues and pull requests within a day or two, and make patch releases to npm regularly.


This software is provided free of charge and without restriction under the MIT License