

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Angular Authorization layer

This module allows you to add authorization layer to your angular project, and to filter pages for "anonymous" and "authenticated" users.


** You can assist the example on AuthExample.js of using ngAuth with ng-facebook module **

  1. Download using one of the following options:
    1. npm: npm install ngauth
    2. bower: bower install ngAuth
    3. git
  2. Add the module to your dependencies and include its scripts
  3. Create your own authentication service by implementing the AuthBase abstract:
    angular.module('myApp', ['ngAuthBase'])
        .factory('Auth', ['$facebook', 'AuthBaseUI', '$rootScope',
            function($facebook, AuthBase, $rootScope) {
                var Auth = angular.extend(AuthBase,  {});
                return Auth;
        .run(['Auth', function(Auth) {}])
    *** use AuthBase dependency for regular ng-route, and AuthBaseUI for router-ui ***
  4. Implement the following methods: 2.1. setIsLoggedIn() should check if the user is logged-in: true - logged-in user false - anonymous user null - information not available yet(waiting to response)


Defining routes

  1. add anonymous: true to every route which allowed only for anonymous users
  2. add authenticated: true to every route which allowed only for anonymous users


    .state('login', {
        url: '/login',
        controller: 'loginCtrl',
        anonymous: true,
        templateUrl: 'src/app/views/login.html'

Authentication status change handler

You can attach handler for every time the authentication status is changed and ready, by listening to Auth.status:


$rootScope.$on("Auth.status", function(event, status) {
    if(status) {
        console.log("Logged In!");
    } else {
        console.log("Logged out!")

Add login/logout methods to your auth service

It's recommended to add your login/logout method on your auth service.