150 |
Preloading SVG assets in Flutter |
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149 |
Environment variables in Dart |
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Determinate Circular Progress Indicator |
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How to bundle assets based on flavor |
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146 |
Extension methods vs types (Dart 3.3) |
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145 |
Write reusable widgets! |
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144 |
Scheduling microtasks in Dart |
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143 |
We need to talk about FlutterFlow! |
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Launching your Flutter app with flavors |
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⚠️ debugPrint prints in release mode ⚠️ |
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Toggle Inlay Hints in VSCode |
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139 |
GitHub Copilot Tips for Flutter Devs |
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138 |
Opening URLs with xcrun / adb |
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137 |
Combining Streams with RxDart |
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136 |
Use IntrinsicWidth , not fixed width |
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Replace Container with nested widgets |
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Debug Paint Size (DevTools) |
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133 |
SelectionArea across multiple widgets |
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Highlight oversized images with the Flutter DevTools |
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131 |
Async Dependency Initialization with requireValue (Riverpod) |
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130 |
8 Steps to Follow When Building Your Next Flutter App |
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129 |
VSCode Debug Toolbar in Command Center |
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Error Handling during App Startup |
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Full-Text Search: Firestore Extensions |
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How to work with webhooks? |
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Xcode 15 DT_TOOLCHAIN_DIR issue |
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Payment options on mobile and web |
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Top reasons for using a realtime backend |
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First steps to tackle when starting a new mobile app |
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Fetching vs Mutating data with Riverpod |
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120 |
Flutter web: redirect to an external URL |
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VSCode Quick Fix: Create constructor for final fields, required named |
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How to Inspect Network Requests with the Flutter DevTools |
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117 |
Are global variables bad? |
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116 |
Measuring execution time in Dart |
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115 |
Find the Invalid Switch Expression 🧐 |
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114 |
6 steps to minimize your Firebase Bill |
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113 |
Conditional JSON parsing in Dart 3 |
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112 |
Switch Matrix in Dart 3 |
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111 |
Destructuring Lists in Dart |
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110 |
Getting a Future from a FutureProvider with Riverpod |
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109 |
Record Equality in Dart 3 |
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108 |
MediaQuery as InheritedModel |
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107 |
Happy Birthday with records in Dart 3 |
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106 |
Return without async /await |
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105 |
Creating an empty Flutter project |
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104 |
[core/duplicate-app] A Firebase App named "[DEFAULT]" already exists |
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103 |
Firebase Auth flow in 5 minutes |
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102 |
Storing API keys in a JSON file |
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101 |
Backend-agnostic Flutter apps |
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100 |
Firestore Security Rules Playground |
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99 |
Firestore OR queries 🔥 |
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98 |
Pagination with FirestoreListView |
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97 |
Riverpod Notifier with build arguments |
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96 |
Cloud Firestore - Cache Size |
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95 |
StreamProvider with Riverpod Generator |
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94 |
Fix missing ProviderScope error with Riverpod Lint |
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93 |
Add a part file with Riverpod Snippets |
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92 |
Firebase Billing and Cost Calculator |
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91 |
Got linter issues? Use dart fix --apply |
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90 |
Using context.mounted in Flutter 3.7 |
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89 |
Using serverTimestamp() in Firestore |
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88 |
Get a single item from a list |
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87 |
The Accessibility Tools package |
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86 |
Dart code samples in the Firebase docs |
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85 |
Use ChatGPT to do custom styling in Flutter |
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84 |
Using the query builder UI in Cloud Firestore |
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83 |
Update packages with the Version Lens VSCode extension |
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82 |
Cloud Firestore collection count |
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81 |
How to use the new Riverpod Generator package |
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80 |
How to use Future.wait() in Dart |
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79 |
String multiplication in Dart |
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How to nest generated files in VSCode |
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77 |
Using AnimatedContainer to animate Container properties |
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76 |
Enable sticky scroll in VSCode |
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75 |
Using build_runner in watch mode |
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74 |
Functions as arguments (with tear-off) |
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73 |
How to define type aliases in Dart |
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72 |
Use type annotations for safer code |
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71 |
Prefer const over final over var |
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70 |
Flutter app localization in 5 min |
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69 |
When to use SizedBox.shrink() to return an empty box |
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68 |
--enable-asserts flag in Dart / Flutter |
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67 |
REST Client extension for VSCode |
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66 |
The HtmlUnescape package |
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65 |
How kIsWeb works in Flutter |
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64 |
When to use each Riverpod provider? |
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63 |
Explicit error types with Either |
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62 |
Exception handling: try/catch vs Result |
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61 |
Errors vs Exceptions in Flutter |
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60 |
Do not use BuildContexts across async gaps (and what to do instead) |
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59 |
Flutter Riverpod: How to Register a Listener during App Startup |
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58 |
Using test tags in Flutter |
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57 |
Singletons in Flutter: Drawbacks |
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56 |
Riverpod: Async init with Provider Overrides |
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55 |
How to run multiple test variants |
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54 |
Riverpod tip for less boilerplate (Passing Ref) |
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53 |
How to Create DartPad Examples from GitHub Gists |
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52 |
How to Add a Custom Test Timeout in Flutter |
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51 |
Golden Image Testing with Robot Testing |
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50 |
Dart 2.17: Enhanced Enums with Members |
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49 |
Dart 2.17: Super Initializers |
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48 |
Testing functions that throw |
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47 |
Why write automated tests? |
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46 |
Riverpod: difference between ref.watch , ref.read , ref.listen |
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45 |
The Map.update() method |
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44 |
AsyncValue.guard() vs try /catch |
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43 |
How to write a reactive in-memory store with RxDart |
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42 |
How to Generate and Analyze a Flutter Test Coverage Report in VSCode |
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41 |
Using Fake Repositories for Testing |
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40 |
Anatomy of a Riverpod Provider |
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39 |
Flutter Project Structure: Feature-first or Layer-first? |
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38 |
Popular architectures for Flutter development |
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37 |
Rules to follow for good app architecture |
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36 |
GoRouter: go vs push |
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35 |
AsyncValue vs FutureBuilder & StreamBuilder |
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34 |
How to use WidgetsBindingObserver |
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33 |
VSCode extensions to speed-up your Flutter workflow |
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32 |
Flutter tip: use composition aggressively |
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How to use the Flutter Widget Inspector |
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30 |
VSCode launch configurations |
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29 |
Domain-Driven Exception Handling |
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DDD: The Domain Model |
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27 |
Better Comments Extension for VSCode |
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26 |
Running tests with GitHub actions |
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How to run Flutter Integration Tests at Hyper Speed |
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24 |
Simplified Flutter App Localization |
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23 |
The Gap Widget |
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22 |
App Development workflow in 6 steps |
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Repositories as abstract classes (program to interfaces, not implementations) |
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20 |
How to configure multiple Firebase environments with FlutterFire CLI |
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How to use Robot Testing to write more readable widget tests |
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18 |
How to create a Flutter GridView with content-sized items |
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17 |
6 common sources of errors in Flutter apps |
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Easily handle loading and error states |
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15 |
AsyncValueWidget : a reusable Flutter widget to work with AsyncValue (using Riverpod) |
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14 |
How to navigate programmatically between tabs in Flutter |
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13 |
Responsive Flutter card layout with SizedBox & Center |
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12 |
How to Validate a TextField in Flutter |
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How to Style an ElevatedButton in Flutter |
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10 |
How to Generate Fake data with the Faker package |
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9 |
Chat UI with message bubbles (revisited) |
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Chat UI with message bubbles |
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7 |
How to set the border radius on a Flutter container |
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6 |
Flutter Fix all command |
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5 |
Use the DevTools to identify Jank and Shader compilation issues |
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4 |
Flutter Lints package |
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3 |
Accept payments with the Stripe SDK |
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Flutter create --sample |
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Flutter reusable Split View on mobile, desktop and web |
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