TDD with Jest

Let's get good at TDD! Work through the katas in this repo and practice your TDD chops.

For this assignemnt, we will be using Jest, which is a popular javascript testing framework created and used by Facebook.


  • Clone the repo, cd into the repo
  • Run yarn install
    • this will install the dependencies listed in package.json (for this assignment, it's only jest)
  • The description for each kata is described in the respective files in src/. The corresponding tests are in test/filename.test.js. Implement the function to make the tests pass.
  • To run the tests, run yarn test in your terminal.
    • Inside package.json, we have defined yarn test to execute the jest command, which will run all the tests in the project.
    • We have also defined 2 additional commands:
      • yarn test:watch, which is executing the jest --watch command. The --watch option will rerun the tests everytime you save a file.
      • yarn test:coverage, which is executing the jest --coverage command. The --coverage option produces a test coverage report after running the tests
  • To quit the test runner, hit q in the terminal where jest is running.
  • Do the assignments in this order:
    • fizzbuzz.js
    • kebabize.js
  • Once you've passed the first test, change the next test from test.skip(...) to test(...).
  • Have fun! And enjoy the dopamines that come with seeing green!

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