
Curated list of some open source codes employing lattice Boltzmann methods

Open source codes employing lattice Boltzmann methods

A curated list of some open source frameworks, libraries and softwares employing lattice Boltzmann methods. This list is by no means complete. So if you would like me to add something, please send me a link to sthavishthabr@gmail.com or perform a pull request.

Numerical frameworks

Miscellaneous codes

  • EduLB - an educational C++ code to show the implementation of lattice Boltzmann method by simulating flow over an obstacle in a channel.
  • LatBo.jl - an code developed in Julia programming language.
  • Lattice-Boltzmann-fluid-flow-in-Tensorflow - a github repository hosting lattice Boltzmann simulation results written in Tensorflow.
  • LatticeBoltzmannMethod - a github repository hosting some excellent codes (C++) showcasing multiphase flows, microflows and immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann methods to name a few.
  • LBMCode - a FORTRAN90 code solving the shallow water equations to simulate flows in a straight channel.
  • LBM-1D - a github repository hosting some simple MATLAB codes to simulate 1D advection-diffusion and Navier-Stokes equations.
  • lbmles - a github repository hosting a 2D lattice Boltzmann code to solve fluid flow in lid-driven cavity at very large Reynolds numbers. Both CPU and GPU (C++ and CUDA) versions are available.
  • lbm_matlab - a github repository hosting some MATLAB codes showcasing grid refinement, viscosity counteraction approach (for achieving numerical stability), RANS Spalart-Allmaras turbulence model and a few more.
  • lbm-principles-practice - a github repository hosting the codes (C++, MATLAB) used in the lattice Boltzmann book [22].
  • 3D-LBM-AMR - a github repository hosting C++ codes showcasing adaptive mesh refinement in 3D problems.


  1. Calzavarini, E., Eulerian–Lagrangian fluid dynamics platform: The ch4-project, Software Impacts, Vol. 1, 2019. Link

  2. Mazzeo, M.D., Coveney, P.V., HemeLB: A high performance parallel lattice-Boltzmann code for large scale fluid flow in complex geometries, Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 178 (12), pp. 894-914, 2008. Link

  3. Závodszky, G. et al., Cellular Level In-silico Modeling of Blood Rheology with An Improved Material Model for Red Blood Cells, Frontiers in Physiology, Vol. 8, pp. 563, 2017. Link

  4. Ataei, M. et al., LBfoam: An open-source software package for the simulation of foaming using the Lattice Boltzmann Method, arXiv, 2020. Link

  5. Seil, P. and Pirker, S., LBDEMcoupling: Open-Source Power for Fluid-Particle Systems, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods (DEM) 2016, Springer Proceedings in Physics, Vol. 188, 2017. Link

  6. Bonaccorso, F. et al., LBsoft: a parallel open-source software for simulation of colloidal systems, arXiv, 2020. Link

  7. Schmieschek, S. et al., LB3D: A parallel implementation of the Lattice-Boltzmann method for simulation of interacting amphiphilic fluids, Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 217, pp. 149-161, 2017. Link

  8. Desplata, J.-C., Pagonabarraga, I. and Bladon, P., LUDWIG: A parallel Lattice-Boltzmann code for complex fluids, Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 134 (3), pp. 273-290, 2001. Link

  9. Gray, A. and Stratford, K., Ludwig: multiple GPUs for a complex fluid lattice Boltzmann application, Designing Scientific Applications on GPUs, Chapman and Hall/CRC, 2013.

  10. Harwood, A.R.G. et al., LUMA: A many-core, Fluid–Structure Interaction solver based on the Lattice-Boltzmann Method, SoftwareX, Vol. 7, pp. 88-94, 2018. Link

  11. Tomczak, T., Szafran, R., A new GPU implementation for lattice-Boltzmann simulations on sparse geometries, Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 235, pp. 258-278, 2019. Link

  12. Tomczak, T., Szafran, R., Sparse geometries handling in lattice Boltzmann method implementation for graphic processors, IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems, Vol. 29(8), pp. 1865 - 1878, 2018. Link

  13. Hasert, M. et al., Complex fluid simulations with the parallel tree-based Lattice Boltzmann solver Musubi, Journal of Computational Science, Vol. 5(5), pp. 784-794, 2014. Link

  14. Heuveline, V. and Latt, J., The OpenLB project: an open source and object oriented implementation of lattice boltzmann methods, International Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 18 (4), pp. 627-634,2007. Link

  15. Heuveline, V. and Krause, M.J., OpenLB: Towards an Efficient Parallel Open Source Library for Lattice Boltzmann Fluid Flow Simulations, PARA'08 Workshop on State-of-the-Art in Scientific and Parallel Computing, May 13-16, 2008. Link

  16. Latt, J. et al., Palabos: Parallel Lattice Boltzmann Solver, arXiv, 2019. Link

  17. Januszewski, M. and Kostur, M., Sailfish: A flexible multi-GPU implementation of the lattice Boltzmann method, Computer Physics Communications, Vol. 185 (9), pp. 2350-2368, 2014. Link

  18. Coon, E.T., Porter, M.L. and Kang, Q, Taxila LBM: a parallel, modular lattice Boltzmann framework for simulating pore-scale flow in porous media. Computational Geosciences, Vol. 18, pp. 17–27, 2014. Link

  19. Porter, M.L. et al., Multicomponent interparticle-potential lattice Boltzmann model for fluids with large viscosity ratios, Physical Review E, Vol. 86 (3), 036701, 2012. Link

  20. Bauer, M. et al., waLBerla: A block-structured high-performance framework for multiphysics simulations, To appear in Computers & Mathematics with Applications, 2020. Link

  21. Bülling, A., Modelling of electrokinetic flow using the lattice-Boltzmann method, Master thesis, Chalmers University of Science and Technology, 2012. Link

  22. Krüger, T. et al., The Lattice Boltzmann Method: Principles and Practice, Springer International Publishing, ISBN 978-3-319-44647-9, 2017. Link