UIforETW is a user interface for recording ETW (Event Tracing for Windows) traces, which allow amazingly deep investigations of performance problems on Windows. Its goals include: - making recording ETW traces easy for non-developers - making it easy to record additional contextual data such as user input and CPU temperature in order to make trace analysis easier - making trace management easier for developers - working around bugs in WPT (Windows Performance Toolkit) For specific details on this project see this post which includes some documentation and an explanation for why this project was created: https://randomascii.wordpress.com/2015/04/14/uiforetw-windows-performance-made-easier/ UIforETW makes it much easier to control how traces are recorded than using batch files or Microsoft's wprui. UIforETW also works around numerous problems with ETW tracing (fixing symbol loading issues) and adds extra features such as categorizing chrome processes, monitoring working sets, etc. UIforETW also lists all the recorded traces and displays editable notes associated with each one. UIforETW has some features that are specific to Chrome developers - but it is fully functional for non-Chrome developers as well. If you want to use UIforETW then you should download the latest etwpackage.zip from the releases page at: https://github.com/google/UIforETW/releases If you want to build or modify UIforETW then you should clone the repo from https://github.com/google/UIforETW.git and then build UIforETW\UIforETW.sln. Pull requests are welcomed. For information on contributing see the CONTRIBUTING file. When writing commit messages try following the general guidelines from here: http://chris.beams.io/posts/git-commit/ Small pull requests are preferred - it's better to do several small pull requests, each with a unifying theme - than to do one huge pull request. This is not an official Google project and is not supported by Google in any way.