Optic Prive

Optic Privé is a platform that connects buyers and opticians on the internet


1/ Create in the optic-prive-back folder a file env.local (insert the code below)

APP_ENV=dev APP_SECRET=4372073d7e45d35fc6b7b8a1552c9da0

DATABASE_URL="mysql://root@" ###> nelmio/cors-bundle ### CORS_ALLOW_ORIGIN='^https?://(localhost|[0-9]+)?$' ###< nelmio/cors-bundle ###

###> lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle ###



JWT_PASSPHRASE=78f0aacd3bc19266e25f8019c6d1b039 ###< lexik/jwt-authentication-bundle ### COOKIE_DOMAIN=localhost

2/ composer install

3/ npm install

4/ symfony console lexik:jwt:generate-keypair

5/ symfony console doctrine:database:create

6/ symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate

7/ symfony console doctrine:fixtures:load

8/ npm run dev

Into folder's optic-prive-front

9/ npm install

Launch apps

Into folder's optic-prive-back

symfony server:start --allow-http

Into folder's optic-prive-front

ng serve