- 0
some questions about label style
#19 opened by tt-study - 1
error with : "tensorboard <trained-model-folder>"
#18 opened by ToToVa06 - 1
Question: The number of walks in evaluation
#16 opened by xdhdx - 1
CUBES Train/Test Split
#12 opened by vinitveersingh - 3
- 2
The rawdataset link is failed
#17 opened by yuchenlichuck - 3
the raw data of shrec11
#9 opened by zj-123456 - 2
t-SNE plots for internal layers
#11 opened by vinitveersingh - 1
Error in Segmentation Evaluation
#13 opened by kumarabhinav04 - 1
Visualize evaluation results
#14 opened by hadasbd - 1
learning rate for SGD and ADAM
#10 opened by avqmar - 2
- 2
Number of training epochs
#7 opened by vinitveersingh - 2
Unable to reproduce results on SHREC11
#6 opened by vinitveersingh - 1
What is the model_ftrs_ in test_dataset?
#5 opened by supil9545 - 0
How can i visualize the test results
#4 opened by supil9545 - 3
temperature parameter
#2 opened by Not-IITian