
Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp

Try with emacs-lsp demo projects

One-click Emacs web IDE (beta)



Open the following url:


You can replace PROJECT and URL with any github project. Once you login you will see VScode editor and after a separate browser tab will pop up with Emacs in it(if you have your popups disabled, you can prefix the VScode url with 8085- but make sure you keep the VScode tab open).

You can check this demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LGPdUkb9JHM for overview of the functionality.


  • Fully preconfigured ready-to-code Emacs Based IDE. There are several preconfigured
    • vanilla
    • spacemacs
    • doom
    • Your custom config (TBA)
  • The following servers are preinstalled on the image(more to come):
    • jdtls
    • ts-ls
    • eslint
    • json-ls
    • xmlls
    • html-ls
    • rust-analyzer
    • css-ls
    • clojure-lsp
    • clangd


  • To avoid browser - Emacs key collisions you can use Nyxt browser with application-mode enabled


  • VScode tab has to be kept open and you have to click every 30 minute on it to keep the session open. This issue will be sorted out with gitpod team.
  • Clipboard is not shared - this is GTK Broadway bug.