
My dotfiles

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End Dotfiles


Rofi menu



Ranger (with NeoVim integration)


DuckDuckGo theme


  • XMonad, XMonad-Contrib, wmctrl and all that stuff: Required

  • Polybar Git: Required if you want a bar on the top of your screen.

  • NeoVim Git: Optional if you use another editor such as Emacs and you don't care about using my NeoVim dotfiles.

  • Ranger Git & Ueberzug Git: Optional if you use another file manager such as Thunar and you don't care about using my Ranger dotfiles.

  • Ibhagwan's Picom fork: Required.

  • Rofi Git: If you want a menu, it's required.

  • ZSH, Oh my ZSH and Powerlevel10k: If you want to use my zsh dotfiles, then all of them are required.

  • Tuxfetch: Optional

  • Alacritty: If you want to use my terminal dotfiles, then it's required.

  • Librewolf (Or Firefox, but I've only tested the dotfiles with librewolf): Optional.

  • Dunst: Required, elsewhere you won't have notifications.

  • PlayerCTL: Optional, lets you use next/prev/pause keys in your keyboard.

  • BrightnessCTL: Optional, lets you use your +brightness/-brightness keys in your keyboard

  • Am I missing something? Open an issue or make a pull request with the changes.


Backup your dotfiles, and then move all the content of the repo except the screenshots folder and this readme to your $HOME. For librewolf/firefox setup, read readme on .librewolf folder. Then, compile XMonad config with xmonad --recompile.

For the Duckduckgo theme, go to your browser's settings and set your new tab URL to this: https://duckduckgo.com/?kae=-1&kav=1&kao=-1&kay=b&kaq=-1&kaj=m&kg=p&kp=-2&kap=-1&kbc=1&kax=-1&kv=-1&kak=-1&k21=303751&kj=303751&k9=ffffff&kx=00b7ff&k8=c1c1c1&kaa=8b8b8b&k7=181b28


  • My wallpaper is gone! Ensure FEH is installed and edit the line of the xmonad config that launches it and modify it with the path of your wallpaper.
  • When logging in, suddently my greeter pops up again! Open a TTY, log in with your user and write xmonad --recompile. Then come back to your greeter and try again.

Thanks to...

  • Axarva for her XMonad configuration.
  • Jimmy for his fetch and his advices.
  • Garuda Linux Team for a lot of the aliases of the .zshrc. (Yep, I used Garuda linux for a couple of months)
  • Astroryan for his firefox config for having vertical tabs.

A lot of thanks guys!