
habit tracker for swimming 🏊

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Development Notes:

  • Use yarn for package management

To run in development (click to see more)

  1. yarn install
  2. Setup .env.local per .env.local.example
  3. yarn generate-client
  4. yarn docker:dev
  5. yarn migrate:dev
  6. yarn migrate:data
  7. Go to http://localhost:3000/
  8. yarn docker:dev-stop to stop containers


What to do when you update the prisma schema:

  1. Run yarn migrate:dev --name '{{commit name here}}' creates a migration file
  2. Run yarn generate-client re-generate api client
  3. Restart containers

To add users (for now):

  1. Add user in Auth0 Dashboard
  2. Run yarn migrate:data to sync auth0 user database with your local (or TST)

Generate ERD:

  • Will automatically generate when generating prisma client
  • Disable generation with env variable DISABLE_ERD=true

Resetting DB:

  • yarn prisma migrate reset
  • yarn migrate:data (make sure AUTH0_TMP_API_TOKEN is defined/fresh)

Testing (click to see more)

  • Three different environments, unit, integration, e2e
  • Separate .env.test env file and test-db docker service
  • Make sure when setting up the test env files not to target your local db/any live dbs
  • make sure to install playwright npx playwright install (should also install the browsers)
  • To test the whole app use run yarn test:all


  • To run only unit tests run yarn test:unit
  • Use the --run flag after to run once (default is watch mode)


  • To run only integration tests run yarn test:int
  • To run in watch mode use the -w flag
  • Note it skips the user migration with the -t flag (already defined in the npm script) but the test setup will add a dummy user
  • It will start a test-db container and run data migrations


  • To run e2e tests run yarn test:e2e
  • With head (e.g. browsers popup) use the -h flag
  • To generate reports use the -r flag
  • Note: it is running 1 at a time (not parallel) because of the way nextauth/nextjs bugs out when multiple logins happen concurrently (hitting localhost)... will probably need to setup multiple test accounts or look into other solutions like saving authentication (which may still need multiple accounts)
  • Debug tests with npx playwright test {{test file}} --project={{specific browser if interested}} --debug - or npx playwright test --ui - Resources: - https://playwright.dev/docs/debug#stepping-through-your-tests - https://playwright.dev/docs/running-tests

Running Github Actions Locally

Scripts (.sh, click to see more)

migrate.sh (yarn migrate:data)

Migrates static data and users from auth0 user database (if enabled)

  • Use -s flag to skip options, comma-separated no space
  • The only option available right now is users
  • To add another option see how the users option is done in the script

e.g. yarn migrate:data -s users

test_integration.sh (yarn test:int)

Builds and runs a dummy test db in docker, runs integration tests via vitest and then tears it down when done

  • Use the -w flag to enter watch mode

test_e2e.sh (yarn test:e2e)

Builds and runs a test-db in docker, runs e2e tests via playwright and then tears down when complete

  • Use the -h option to turn on headed mode (see the browsers open) or yarn test:e2e:headed

test_all.sh (yarn test:all)

Runs all unit, integration and e2e tests, basically runs the specific test commands sequentially


Loads envs into the shell and sets up the test database

  • Useful to run separately for debugging tests

Example usage: Running the nextjs app with test envs and the test database

export NODE_ENV=true && yarn dev (run the nextjs app in test mode using .env.test envs)
bash ./scripts/setup_db.sh


pauses script


  • Auth0 managed with terraform (view read me in /terraform for more info)
  • For now when making infrastructure changes, need to manually call terraform plan and terraform approve to apply changes to TST (maybe automate this later)

Adding a swim program (to static migrations)

  1. Run yarn migrate:create {{filename}} (preferred filename format is {{category}}{{week}} e.g. beginner1 for beginner week 1 )
    • This will create a new .ts file located in prisma/data-migrations
    • Also appends the file run command to migrate.sh
    • Creates a .ts file in prisma/data-migrations/swim-programs for you to add the swim program
  2. Edit the swim program file to add one week e.g. (Week 1 of beginner program)
  3. Double-check the .ts file in prisma/data-migrations
  4. Test with yarn migrate:data and check the UI on your local (may need to run export DATABASE_URL={{URL HERE}} beforehand)

Learning Resources
