
YMP 2 MIRROR Repository

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Youtube Music Player 2.0


Visual Studio 2019

.NET Framework 4.6.2

Nuget Package
Newtonsoft.Json, Microsoft.Xaml.Behaviors.Wpf, MaterialDesignThemes, MaterialDesignColors, Google.Apis.YouTube.v3, log4net

Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 redistributable package

CEFSharp nuget packages
cef.redist.x86, CefSharp.Common, CefSharp.WinForms


  1. Install all dependencies. Restore nuget packages. but you have to remove and install CEFSharp nuget packages manually.
  2. Open project and open YMP/Youtube/YoutubeAPI.cs file, and input your Youtube Data API Key into Key field.
  3. Build Release/x86 (Note: It is important to set build option to x86. Project will be unstable if build option is not x86.)
  4. Run YMP/bin/x86/Release/buildscript.bat
  5. Result : /bin/x86/Release/YMP_redist