

My name is Michael Alexander Lienardy, I am a student in computer science degree at BINUS University. Before becoming a BINUS student, I graduated from Telkom Makassar vocational high school in computer and network engineer major. I want to be a great and reliable programmer to develop efficient and maintainable code to build an application that can adapt to the latest technology.



Project for Pattern Software Design course to develop basic ASP.NET website using Domain Driven Design & Model View Controller pattern design. The main function of this website is user & item management, which consists Create, Read, Update, and Delete entities in a database. Currently the website is only connected to the project database.


Project for Object Oriented Programming course to develop basic fraction calculator using Java. The main function of this program is fraction calculation, currently only receive 2 inputs consist fraction and/or mixed fraction with 1 operator consists addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division.


  • C
  • Java
  • C#
  • Windows
  • Transact-SQL
  • Ubuntu
  • AlmaLinux
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Docker (Managed using Portainer)
  • Virtualization (Hyper-V / VMware)
  • Mikrotik
  • Computer Network
  • Computer Security
  • Cloud