
NetCore Application bootstrap

Primary LanguageC#


A bootstrap project to get quickly up and running with dotnet projects.


  • Docker 17+
  • Visual Studio 15.7+
  • NetCore 3.1 SDK

How to setup your project from this one

  • Clone this repository without git tracking
  • Run a bulk file rename in the repository folder from Alpha.Bootstrap to (YourCompany).(YourProject).
  • Run a bulk replace for all the file contents from Alpha.Bootstrap to (YourCompany).(YourProject).


  • build-and-run-webapi: compiles and runs the web API project (and dependencies)
  • build-docker-webapi: compiles the web API project (and dependencies), but does not run it
  • run-migrations: updates the running database server to its latest version of the migrations
  • run-webapi: run a local version of the web API project, based on the latest compiled image
  • start-database: start a database server
  • generate-ssl-certificates: generate a new set of SSL certificates used by the database server