
It's a personal music website. Songs are crawled from Netease Cloud Music.

Primary LanguagePython


  • It's a personal music website. Songs are crawled from Netease Cloud Music.
  • Language & framework: Python3.6 + Django + SQLite + HTML+ CSS + Javascript
  • IDE: Pycharm Professional 2018.2.4
  • Video: https://youtu.be/UZnU3j95uH0


Crawl Music

  • In pycharm: click run
  • Or in console: under the path /Code/CrawlMusic, in venv mode, use python crawlmusic.py

The program will be terminared by error if you are trying to download paid songs or VIP-only songs. If it is successfully finished, you will get a png image, a mp3 song and a json file about needed infomation for each song. The files are all crawled from Netease Cloud Music and named by the song's ID in Netease Cloud Music.

Music Website

  • In pycharm: click run
  • Or in console: under the path /Code/MusicWeb, in venv mode, use python manage.py runserver
  • Then open in chrome.