
w9_frontend-project-power-coders-fe created by GitHub Classroom

Primary LanguageJavaScript



The SoC Wellbeing Toolkit helps bootcampers manage their wellbeing using tools and resources in one handy location.

This is the front-end documentation for the app.

You can view the App live here

The front-end provides a wellbeing toolkit for a Schoolof Code bootcamper to assist with remote learning.

Looking for the Back-end?


  • Slides of wellbeing resources for each Thursday mindset session.
  • 5-minute break timer (currently auto starts on refresh).
  • Calming waves sound (toggle on/off).
  • Random inspirational quote.
  • Wellbeing check-in form, which feeds back to your enablement coach.


  git clone https://github.com/SchoolOfCode/w9_frontend-project-power-coders-fe.git
  cd w9_backend-project-power-coders-fe/power-coders-app
  npm i


This is not yet deployed, so only works on localhost:3000 (front-end).

To run the front end:

  npm start


Next Steps

  • Fix carousel CSS glitches - ½ day
  • Make app responsive/mobile first - 2 days
  • Turn break timer into a button - 1 hour

Stretch Goals

  • Login feature
  • Multiple page application - ability to search for resources by category and week and display on different pages
  • User ratings of resources

Known Issues

When the image and text size increases on the slides the page jumps up and down. This is due to the styling of the carousel. We would fix this by removing the imported bootstrap carousel and designing and implementing our own carousel.

Running Tests

End-to-end test suites have been implemented using Cypress.

To run tests in the Cypress app, run the following command and then click on the individual specs.

  npx cypress open

To run test in the comman line, run the following command

  npm run cy:run

Tech Stack

Client: React, JS, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Cypress


Features currently not implemented, but hard coded.

  • Profile picture
  • Personalised welcome message
  • Buger menu links



Documentation created using readme.so