
1. Write an exercise in Terraform to create the below resources in AWS.

Primary LanguageHCL


  1. Write an exercise in Terraform to create the below resources in AWS.

Project Structure

Graph Visualisation

VPC Components

1. Create VPC: A VPC named CloudIQ-Sample-VPC has been created with CIDR range

2. Private Subnets: 2 private subnets are created.
3. Public Subnets: 2 public subnets are created.

4. EC2 Instances: t2.micro instances created in all the subnets.

5. Internet Gateway: Since our public subnets have resources like EC2 instances, we will be allowing our resources to connect to the internet.

6. Route Table: Each subnet should be associated with a route table to control network traffic.

Terraform Workflow Steps

Step 1: terraform init:

  • Initializes terraform environment and plugins
  • A hidden folder called .terraform will be generated, it contains all the plugins for your platform

Step 2: terraform validate:

  • To reformat your code and run some basic validations.

Step 3: terraform plan:

  • The terraform plan command creates an execution plan, which lets you preview the changes that Terraform plans to make to your infrastructure.

Step 4: terraform apply

  • Deploy resources to your AWS console.

Step 5: terraform destroy

  • This will destroy all the resources/objects created in the AWS console and will help tear down the environment.