
Simple Calculator C++ Program

This C++ program is a simple calculator that performs basic arithmetic operations on two numbers based on the operator chosen by the user. The code is well-documented, and this README provides an overview of the program's functionality, usage, and structure.


  • Performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and modulus operations.
  • Handles division by zero gracefully and provides an error message.
  • Prompts the user for input, including the first number, operator, and the second number.
  • Uses a switch-case statement to determine the operation to be performed.
  • Provides feedback to the user based on the chosen operator.

How to Use

  1. Compile the code using a C++ compiler (e.g., g++):

    g++ calculator.cpp -o calculator
  2. Run the compiled program:

  3. Follow the on-screen prompts to enter the first number, operator (+, -, *, /, %), and the second number.

  4. The program will perform the specified operation and display the result or an error message if division by zero occurs.

Code Structure

  • The program starts with the main function.
  • It declares variables to store the first number, operator, and the second number.
  • It uses cout and cin to prompt the user for input.
  • The switch statement checks the operator and performs the corresponding operation.
  • It handles division by zero with an if condition.
  • Provides feedback to the user based on the chosen operator or an error message for invalid operators.


  • Entering 10, +, and 5 will output 15.
  • Entering 8, /, and 0 will output ERROR!! Division by zero..


Feel free to contribute to this project by adding more features, improving the code, or fixing any issues. Pull requests are welcome.
