
Stir Creativity in Your Discord Server with Brewer: AI-Powered Role, Channel, and Category Innovation!

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Brew(r) ☕️

About Brew(r) ☕️

Revolutionize your Discord server with Brew(r), a dynamic bot leveraging the power of OpenAI's ChatGPT to breathe new life into your roles, categories, and channels!

At its core, Brew(r)'s powered by OpenAI.

Developed using Coffee Core, a Java Discord bot framework!


  • Prompt-based Generation: Create fresh roles, categories, and channels, complete with permissions - all stemming from your creative prompts.
  • Easy Renaming: Redefine existing roles, categories, and channels based on new prompts for a quick server makeover.
  • Change Control: Not quite feeling the latest changes? You can easily revert any recent modifications to your server.
  • Speech-to-Text: Brew(r) is equipped with speech-to-text capabilities, enabling transcription and translation of attachments/URLs.

Inviting the Bot

Notice: You bear all responsibility for any changes Brew(r) brings to your server.

While the Administrator permission may be necessary for Brew(r), we advise revoking it after Brew(r) finishes its tasks to maintain server security!

Minimum Required Permissions:

  • Manage Roles
  • Manage Channels
  • Manage Permissions

Invite Brew(r) ☕️ to your server today!

Discord Server

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Terms of Service & Privacy Policy

Running it Yourself (Self-Hosting)


  • Discord API Key
  • OpenAI API Key
  • Java 17+
  • A computer I guess

Create a [file name].json File for Storage

In order to run the bot, you need to create a JSON file to store the bot's data. The file name can be anything you want, but it must be a JSON file.

.env File

Copy the .env.example file and rename it to .env.

Using the .json file you created earlier, attach the file path to the SERVER_DATA_PATH variable.

Fill in the other values with your own as specified.

Running the Bot

Run the bot using the following command:

java -jar Brewer_X.X.X.jar

The file name of the jar will be different depending on the version you are running.

How To Use

/brew create [prompt]

This is the primary command of Brew(r) and will generate new roles, categories, and channels based on the prompt you provide.

For the prompt, you provide Brew(r) what you desire. For example:

  • You ask it to create categories containing the names of "General", "Voice", and "Text" and it will do so.
  • Stylize your server with a theme (e.g., medieval, futuristic, etc.)
  • Generate a server based on a topic (e.g., gaming, anime, etc.)

Being specific can help generate a more desirable result!

However, due to the nature of ChatGPT, results and accuracy may vary. We are constantly working on ways to improve the results.



How often can I run /brew?

You can run /brew every 3 minutes (globally). Additionally, if you generated a brew, you can retry up to 3 times in that session.

I got error messages after brewing!

Please send them my way by either going to our Discord server or by opening an issue here.

I don't like the changes Brew(r) did to my server! Help!

If you ran the command recently, click on the Revert button that appears on the last message sent by Brew(r). This will revert all changes made by Brew(r) to the best of its abilities.

The permissions are wrong/don't make sense!

Brew(r) might skip the permissions creation process if it is unable to add them (e.g., insufficient permissions). If it does add them, it might not be up-to-date with current available permissions. Due to the nature of ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo (the model Brew(r) will use by default), it may not generate accurate permissions. This is a known issue and will be tweaked over time.

Brew(r) didn't rename my NSFW channels?

Brew(r) by default will not rename NSFW channels due to OpenAI's restrictions. You need to toggle this in the settings command.

This won't affect Brew(r) from skipping a channel if the name is deemed too inappropriate.

Nothing happened/it partially worked then stopped?

There are two things that could have happened:

  1. You hit the rate limit and the action is paused for some time. It should automatically retry after a couple of minutes.
  2. An unhandled error occurred. If you don't believe the first issue is the case, do please report it!


  • Coffee Core (0.6.0-alpha)
  • OpenAI-Java Service (0.16.0)