
Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


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To run Example

  1. cd <some directory>
  2. git clone git@github.com:AlphaWallet/AlphaWalletSDK.git
  3. cd Example
  4. bundle
  5. bundle exec pod install
  6. open AlphaWalletSDK.xcworkspace

The code part that interacts with wallets is in

guard let wallet = try? keystore.createAccount().get() else { return }
(reference might be outdated).


platform: iOS, minimum deployment version: 13.0


AlphaWalletSDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'AlphaWalletSDK'

Also make sure pod file has right link for AlphaWalletWeb3Provider

pod 'AlphaWalletWeb3Provider', :git=>'https://github.com/AlphaWallet/AlphaWallet-web3-provider', :commit => '9a4496d02b7ddb2f6307fd0510d8d7c9fcef9870'

Replace API Keys


AlphaWallet use process environment variable to resolve credential file ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment, modify your xcode scheme to add an environment var SOURCE_ROOT with the value ${SOURCE_ROOT} to add path to your development credentials, you can update your projects ProcessInfo.processInfo.environment using credential keys for defining credentials for your specific xcode scheme for production version. For updating credentials for services like Infura, Etherscan use .credentials file placed in SOURCE_ROOT root directory of your project. Update development .credentials file with key value pairs separated with =.


The list of available credential keys listed below:


AlphaWalletSDK provides access to core features of Wallet app including:

  • Key managment
  • Activities and transactions
  • Tokens
  • ENS resolving
  • Blockies generation

Key managment

Key managment features perform defined in Keystore protocol, with its implementation EtherKeystore. Keystore creates using:

private lazy var keystore: Keystore = {
    let store = JsonWalletAddressesStore()
    let storage = try! KeychainStorage(keyPrefix: "<test-app>")
    return EtherKeystore(keychain: storage, walletAddressesStore: store, analytics: analytics)

A new wallet could be generated, imported using seed phrase or private key:

let wallet: Wallet = try keystore.createAccount().get()

To import already created wallet use keystore's function importWallet(type: ), callback closure returns result of Wallet instance for succesfully import.

struct TestKeyStore {
    static let keystore: String = "{\"address\":\"5e9c27156a612a2d516c74c7a80af107856f8539\",\"crypto\":{\"cipher\":\"aes-128-ctr\",\"ciphertext\":\"5eb0c790d1fb27824c78acac9233241b340c329b46aba08c6533b70ab67ea74f\",\"cipherparams\":{\"iv\":\"e5ab559977af075eda00a97c8f0ce506\"},\"kdf\":\"scrypt\",\"kdfparams\":{\"dklen\":32,\"n\":4096,\"p\":6,\"r\":8,\"salt\":\"b43142f34caf2b3b39c16f52344701f800711589f799cdae1827ac2f844f9602\"},\"mac\":\"c6ccaecca7896974dacac91a8116216ec287930bc74bfd7694a94f08bd992095\"},\"id\":\"e3554f73-4d0a-40a0-b721-fc801623d5ba\",\"version\":3}"
    static let password: String = "test"
    static let newPassword: String = "test123"
    static let testPrivateKey = "9cdb5cab19aec3bd0fcd614c5f185e7a1d97634d4225730eba22497dc89a716c"

keystore.importWallet(type: .keystore(string: TestKeyStore.keystore, password: TestKeyStore.password)) { result in
    guard let wallet = try? result.get() else { return }

Message signing could be performed using next construction:

guard let message: Data = "Hello AlphaWallet".data(using: .utf8) else { return }
let signature: Data = try keystore.signMessage(message, for: wallet.address, prompt: "Sign Message").get()

For verifying signed message could be used the next instruction:

switch Web3.Utils.ecrecover(message: message, signature: signature) {
case .success(let address):
    assert(wallet.address.sameContract(as: address))
case .failure(let error):

To export seed phrase of HDWallet use keystore's function exportSeedPhraseOfHdWallet, callback closure returns result for retrieved seed phrase.

keystore.exportSeedPhraseOfHdWallet(forAccount: wallet, context: .init(), prompt: "Accessing your wallet seed phrase to back it up") { result in
    guard let seedPhrase = try? result.get().split(separator: " ") else { return }

Activities and transactions


AlphaWallet uses pipeline stack for generating token collection, includes next services:

  • TokenScript - applies overrides from token script file;
  • TokenBalance - updates token with its actual balance, (via smart contract call);
  • CoinTicker - updates token with its resolved ticker, (Retrieved via CoinGecko). TokensProcessingPipeline - describes public interface of tokens pipeline, WalletDataProcessingPipeline its default implementation, public as well to being able to be overriden. AlphaWallet use Realm database as local storage. Pipeline supports storage override.


For determining latest token prices and price charts AlphaWallet use CoinGecko service. Its uses storing charts in local storage for short time, to avoid (403) Error. CoinTickersFetcher is public interface for coinTickerResolver, and its implementation CoinGeckoTickersFetcher. Some of app services (e.g TokensPipeline) have dependency from CoinTickersFetcher, also can be overriden with your own implementation.

ENS resolving

For resolving ENS domains we are using contract call methods also we support for UnstoppableDomains domains v2. All calls perform via instance of DomainResolutionServiceType type. DomainResolutionService its default implementation. All interfaces are public to being able to implement its own implementation. We cache resolved ens domains in local Realm storage. AlphaWallet suppports retrieving ENS records, e.g eip-634 to get values for keys:

public enum EnsTextRecordKey: Equatable, Hashable {
    /// A URL to an image used as an avatar or logo
    case avatar
    /// A description of the name
    case description
    /// A canonical display name for the ENS name; this MUST match the ENS name when its case is folded, and clients should ignore this value if it does not (e.g. "ricmoo.eth" could set this to "RicMoo.eth")
    case display
    /// An e-mail address
    case email
    /// A list of comma-separated keywords, ordered by most significant first; clients that interpresent this field may choose a threshold beyond which to ignore
    case keywords
    /// A physical mailing address
    case mail
    /// A notice regarding this name
    case notice
    /// A generic location (e.g. "Toronto, Canada")
    case location
    /// A phone number as an E.164 string
    case phone
    /// A website URL
    case url
    case custom(String)

Blockies generation

AlphaWallet support Blockie (wallet image) generation, auto generated icon image, and retrieving image from ENS records (for avatar)


oa-s, krypto.pank@gmail.com


AlphaWalletSDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.