
Wireshark remote command for Windows :kr: 윈도우즈에서 와이어샤크를 이용한 원격 패킷 캡춰

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Capturing remote packet using Wireshark on Windows

Read this in other languages: English, 한국어


  • It is a command to capture packets in the following environment.
  • If your Linux has no GUI, analyzing packets is difficult.
  • You can use this commnad file, then you can perform analysis in Windows.

Windows (My PC, Host OS)

Linux (Remote System, Target OS)


  • tcpdump
    • sudo yum install tcpdump (Fedora, CentOS, Redhat)
    • sudo apt-get install tcpdump (Ubuntu, Debian)
    • Or install using source code http://www.tcpdump.org/
  • pcap
    • Most of cases are installed together when you install tcpdump.
    • sudo yum install libpcap (Fedora, CentOS, Redhat)
    • sudo apt-get install libpcap (Ubuntu, Debian)
  • ssh
    • Install OpenSSH server
      • sudo apt-get install openssh-server (Ubuntu)
      • sudo dnf install openssh-server (Fedora. you can use yum install openssh-server)
    • Start OpenSSH daemon
      • sudo systemctl start sshd.service (start openssh server)
      • sudo systemctl enable sshd.service (enable openssh server)

Create command file on Windows

  • Build the command file(*.cmd) as follows:
@REM ----------------------------------------------------
@REM remotecap.cmd
@REM   Example command for captruing eremote network packet
@REM  using wireshark and tcpdump.
@REM   First written by j2doll. September 10th 2016.
@REM   https://github.com/j2doll/wireshark-remote-command-win
@REM   http://j2doll.tistory.com
@REM ----------------------------------------------------
@REM install putty and wireshark on your windows pc.
@SET PLINK_PATH="C:\Program Files\PuTTY\plink.exe"
@SET WIRESHARK_PATH="C:\Program Files\Wireshark\Wireshark.exe"
@REM execute command
%PLINK_PATH% -ssh -pw %REMOTE_PASSWORD% %REMOTE_ACCOUNT%@%REMOTE_SERVER% "tcpdump -s0 -U -w - -i %REMOTE_INTERFACE% not port 22" | %WIRESHARK_PATH% -i - -k
  • You can fix variables for your environemnt.
    • Your Linux
      • REMOTE_SERVER : linux ip (such as
      • REMOTE_ACCOUNT : linux account (Use root account. (or superuser))
      • REMOTE_PASSWORD : password of linux account
      • REMOTE_INTERFACE : linux ethernet interface (such as eth0, wlan0, etc)
        • If you don't know this, type command ifconfig or ip a on your linux.
    • Your Windows
      • WIRESHARK_PATH : This is where you installed wireshark execute file (wireshark.exe).
      • PLINK_PATH : This is where you installed putty plink execute file (plink.exe).

How to capture packet

  • Just run 'remotecap.cmd' on Windows. Windows may ask to you about firewall policy of Windows.
