Drink-a-Bot Controller

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About Drink-a-Bot

○ Drink-a-Bot is a smart drink dispenser that can move around and serve drinks using a dispenser system.

○ Drink filling/refilling is one of the most repetitive demands in any restaurant or catering service. We aim to tackle the lack of efficiency encountered in human settings in this domain.

○ The main motivation for Drink-a-Bot comes from the urge to increase waiter automation in a smart manner.

○ It can be controlled remotely within a radius of 10 meters using the cross-platform app we made using flutter.

○ The prototype shall bridge the gap between the currently existing systems (totally manual) and totally autonomous robot restaurants.

Components Used

○ Arduino NANO V3.0

○ Robodo SEN38 Force Sensor (38 mm)

○ TTP22301 Digital Touch Sensor

○ HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

○ SRD-05V Relay Module

○ 5V Air Pump

○ 9V Battery

○ Buzzer, LED

○ Rechargeable Li-ion Battery ICR18500 3.7V x 3

○ Water pipes

○ Arduino UNO R3

○ L293D Motor Driver Shield

○ 12V DC Motors x4

○ HC-05 Bluetooth Module

○ Wheels

Target Audience

○ It can be used by households or restaurant outlets that are willing to optimize their catering experience, with smart technology built-in.

○ It is also aimed at small reception functions, and parties where the host will be freed of the burden of serving the guests present.